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As you can see, I've added a couple new features to the comments. Firstly I've upgraded the comment component (and done it properly this time). Second, I've installed a bot that shows ON THE FRONT PAGE how many comments are attached to a certain post. And last, I've put in a module on the right with the five latest comments, so you can all know who's posted last, and whether there's been any comments since the last one you posted.

Closer and closer

So a few months ago I posted about how I'd found Dr Pepper in Victor Harbor, a 90 minute drive away (more like 2 hours with a one-year-old). And then a few weeks ago I posted again about having found it in a sweet shop in the city. And then we heard about a grocery store in Nuriootpa that apparently has it, but we were too late the day we went over there to get it. But now, thanks to Kelly at the school, we know there's a little shop in Golden Grove Village that sells it. And a few other American sweets. And this is only a 10-15 minute drive from our house (or 35 minute bus ride). So there's no longer a need to go into the city on the train (which is getting more & more a chore now that Caleb wants to bounce around, look out windows, play with things and drop them on the floor and possibly onto other passengers' feet). Unless I get a serious craving for something more obscure, or we're going into the city anyway.

Ah yes, it's about time there was another TV show that I might actually enjoy.

Joss Whedon's Dollhouse is set to air next season.

The annoying thing is, though, that it's getting colder. Which has always meant in the past that the new TV season is starting. And ok, so it is, but due to the writers' strike, it's all crappy reality shows.

I want new Heroes! But sadly that's probably another four months away.

Toilet humour

So we were driving home last night, past a new petrol station at Mawson Lakes called "ennfue." According to a Google search, it's biodiesel. Anyway, I commented to Darrin that the name reminds me of effluent. And then I got to thinking, wouldn't it be great if we could turn sewage into fuel? I mean, we gotta do something with it anyway, and it's a fully renewable resource. We could have our toilets connected directly to a processing tank in our own homes (or, actually WAY out in the back yard) from which we could then pump fuel. But then can you imagine the exhaust smell? And then Darrin pipes up with "It'd be great for crappy cars."

International Midwives Day

I gave birth at home with an independent midwife named Lisa, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Today is International Midwives Day, which is basically to recognise and honor midwives around the world. Midwives are specialists in normal pregnancy and birth, which is what most women have. The World Health Organization says midwives should be a woman's main carer through pregnancy and birth. I know this is kind of a radical idea when in our society, everyone hires an obstetrician because everyone does, but think about the thousands or millions of years women have been birthing without obstetricians. The human race managed to survive all that so it can't have been all bad.

So last night/this morning I was having a dream about doing a Google search for independent midwives back where I grew up, and I woke up thinking, why not actually do it? So here's a few links - some I just found, some I've had in my bookmarks for two years.

Veggie garden take 2.

So this week I looked through what veggie seeds I had left, and decided to plant carrots. It's only been a day or two since I did so there's nothing coming up yet, but it's been raining a bit, so I'm hoping something does. After I get some carrots, I'll try planting something else, like...umm...pumpkin, capsicum, zucchini, whatever grows easily and we actually eat. And I think I'll have to grab a few strawberry plants at some point too, because we (read: Caleb) go through them pretty quickly these days.

And some of our oranges are turning colour already, but I haven't had a close enough look to know if it's all the way around or just in spots.

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