I gave birth at home with an independent midwife named Lisa, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Today is International Midwives Day, which is basically to recognise and honor midwives around the world. Midwives are specialists in normal pregnancy and birth, which is what most women have. The World Health Organization says midwives should be a woman's main carer through pregnancy and birth. I know this is kind of a radical idea when in our society, everyone hires an obstetrician because everyone does, but think about the thousands or millions of years women have been birthing without obstetricians. The human race managed to survive all that so it can't have been all bad.

So last night/this morning I was having a dream about doing a Google search for independent midwives back where I grew up, and I woke up thinking, why not actually do it? So here's a few links - some I just found, some I've had in my bookmarks for two years.

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