So a few months ago I posted about how I'd found Dr Pepper in Victor Harbor, a 90 minute drive away (more like 2 hours with a one-year-old). And then a few weeks ago I posted again about having found it in a sweet shop in the city. And then we heard about a grocery store in Nuriootpa that apparently has it, but we were too late the day we went over there to get it. But now, thanks to Kelly at the school, we know there's a little shop in Golden Grove Village that sells it. And a few other American sweets. And this is only a 10-15 minute drive from our house (or 35 minute bus ride). So there's no longer a need to go into the city on the train (which is getting more & more a chore now that Caleb wants to bounce around, look out windows, play with things and drop them on the floor and possibly onto other passengers' feet). Unless I get a serious craving for something more obscure, or we're going into the city anyway.

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