Issue #39, 22 July 1996

Stoopid M M Issue....
F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:

This issue may be if you problems...

Hoooo boy...We had a really great issue written up for this week, but we
seem to have misplaced part of it (like, 90 percent of it). Not to
mention the fact that Elkvis put Win95 on his computer & now we can't do
anything useful with it.... So we're starting over.

This is what happened the last time I (melvan) took eener to the airport.'s the duct tape story as I originally typed it...I thought
I had emailed it to Darin to give it to you, but I never heard back from
him, so maybe it got lost or something...

Could you pass this story on to somebody by the name of eener? Pleeez?
I'll show you my deodorant container collection!!


"What Happened After We Dropped You Off (a cliff!!)"

by melvan :-) ya know that the car was overheating all the way up there. It
kept overheating, so I kept turning on the heater, which helped for a
while, then I'd shut it off again & the temp would go right back up
again... (we really shoulda taken your car...) So we got all the way back
to Woodbury & Best Buy (took a wrong turn...remember when you said not to
go on Hwy 5? Guess what...I did...DUH!!! :-) ) Anyway...the car was
still doing that rollercoaster temperature gauge thing, so when we got
to Best Buy (sheesh... I typed "Best Guy" first...hehehe) I popped the
hood & we looked at the water level...which had dropped considerably since
we left home...then I noticed that the radiator hose had a BIG LEAK in
it!! So I asked Andy if DUCT TAPE would work on that...he said "yeah,
DUCT TAPE would probably work on that"... soooo...we put some more water
in it & I turned the heater on again to let the engine get cooled down
before I shut it off...then we went into Best BUY to look at stuff...Andy
got a new joystick for his computer...then we went over to Target...Andy
filled up the milk jug, I went & bought DUCT TAPE... then we went out &
filled up the reservoir AGAIN (which had drained A LOT for just going 3
blocks)...and DUCT TAPED the leak in the hose. Then we went over to
Barnes & Noble, where I bought the "Real stories of DUCT TAPE" book...and
then we went over to Northwestern Bookstore (I got the NTTCBT video)...the
car did fine the rest of the way home...thanks to DUCT TAPE!!!!!

And now for...
the constellations according to FME!

Have you ever looked at the sky and wondered how on earth they named the
constellations because they don't look AT ALL like their names...except
for the big dipper, which is the only constellation we know anyways....

Here are some constellations according to us:

1. Ducttaped poodle majoris and ducttaped poodle minoris: These two
constellations are visible in the northern sky...three stars constitute
each of these obscure constellations. They occasionally drink out of the
big dipper, which they mistake for a toilet.

2. Big Dip Head: This constellation is part of the Snickers galaxy, and
is only visible to people wearing "Beavis and Butthead" T-shirts

3. Cat hornking a hairball: Yes indeed...this lovely constellation is
visible just below the ducttaped poodle minoris. The tail of the cat is
made up of Halley's comment. (Yes, Halley made a comment, it's just not as
well known as his comet.)

4. Exploding tractor: This fabulous constellation is just a mass of
unrelated stars, spread out all over the entire sky.


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

We had a great episode written for this week, and now since we temporarily
lost it in's this week's episode. This week's priorly
written episode will (hopefully) come next week!

Scene: A large tar pit

All: Help! We're falling into a tar pit!

The end.

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

Dear Wise Sage,

How did these stupid writers manage to lose issue number 39?

Signed, tarpitbrain

Dear tarpitbrain,

Uh oh...I can't answer your question, because I just lost it.

Wise Sage

Dear Wise Sage,

What does WUTG mean??

luthien, Haxiem, bourgeois, mred, and ALMOST everyone else we know on

Dear people,

WUTG=Writers Use Tape Gratuitously

actually...'tis just a typo we left in here because we knew you all would
wonder about it.

Wise Sage(s)


"What We Found Under Renee's Bed"

First of all, we would like to point out that eener is going to be moving
to Atlanta very soon (like, in the next 2 weeks)!!! Soooo...that means
FME is going to be no more. JUST KIDDING!!!!! We will continue to write
this for as long as we possibly can...but it will be going through some
changes, only if we told you what they were, we'd have to kill you.
Actually, the truth is, we don't know exactly what kind of problems we may
run into while trying to write the magazine with the two of us in two
different time zones. But we can guarantee you that they will be

So this Sunday afternoon, I (melvan) was over at eener's house, helping
her pack up her stuff. She told me to look & see what was under the bed
so we could get all that stuff sorted/packed/thrown away. And this is
what I found. This is a TRUE STORY!!! As soon as I saw Item #1 under the
bed, I knew I had to make a list! I was literally ROTFL (I was already
on the floor actually...looking under the bed...)

1. An unopened can of Cream of Potato soup, with a November 1996
expiration date on it
2. A book called "They Shoot Canoes, Don't They?" by Patrick McManus
3. A baseball-type cap so covered in dustballs that we couldn't tell
what it said
4. A ripped suitcase
5. A brand new stocking cap
6. Renee's senior party ticket from 2 years ago
7. Some admission stuff from Northwestern College in St. Paul, MN
8. Photo mailers
9. 1 box of check carbon copies
10. A book called "The Bluebird and the Sparrow" by Janette Oke (btw,
she's a good author...if you ever see any of her books around & you
like prairie romance type novels, read one of them!)
11. A blue notebook
12. A puzzle
13. A 16-month optical illusion calendar from 1995
14. A bag of buttons & pins
15. A hammer (which I used to drag out other stuff that I couldn't
16. A 1995 Far Side calendar
17. A flowered suitcase
18. A small, plastic hourglass
19. MORE photo mailers

On the other side of the page...

20. An empty Christmas Coca-Cola can
21. An Owls at the Movies poster
22. An 8th grade American History textbook that she never returned
23. A box of keepsakes--pictures, diploma (yeah, she did actually get
one!!), etc.
24. A toy mouse
25. An Easter basket with Easter grass & VERY old jellybeans
26. A bent Slinky
27. A bandana covered in dustballs
28. A broken Fisher Price blood pressure thing (sphygmomanometer, if you
wanna be technical...)
29. A lunch menu from high school
30. The other half of the Easter basket
31. An empty Dr. Pepper can (only one, believe it or not!!)
32. Santa socks
33. Another flowered suitcase
34. STILL more photo mailers
35. A Pac-Man Atari game
36. A container of Flea & Tick spray for cats (without a cover)

And you thought I was weird for having an Energizer Bunny flashlight....

Fruit Bats in Your Toilet

**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email

The fruit bats died of malaria.


The news is this:
someone, somewhere in the world, died.
someone, somewhere in the world, was born.
someone, somewhere in the world, is wearing
A Dr. Seuss hat.
someone, somewhere in the world, is picking
their nose.
someone, somewhere in the world, is clipping
their toenails.
someone, somewhere in the world, is listening
to a band named "Believable Picnic."
someone, somewhere in the world, is saying WUTG
and everyone else in the world is wondering
what the heck it means...

Dumb Poery in a
Card ype rash

the t



Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #38, 8 July 1996

Fourth M M Demention
F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:

"I try to think, but nothing happens!" ---the 3 stooges

We are doing this issue ahead of time (hears audience gasp)... because we
are going to be unavoidably detained in the next couple of
weeks...Specifically, we will be duct taped to poles for the next two

ACTUALLY...eener is going to California...and then next week we're both
going to Sonshine, a Christian music festival in Minnesota.
AND...*drumroll*...we MAY see the Twine Ball!!! You know....the biggest
ball of twine in Minnesota! It's near where Sonshine is... And, ya know
what else? Dr. Pepper doesn't taste all that much different after you've
brushed your teeth...just for your general information- thank you for your
kind attention.

Byyyyy the way, if you happen to be anywhere near Shakopee, Minnesota, I
(eener), highly recommend that you stop by Valleyfair, the amusement park
there. New this year is Wild Thing, a completely awesome ride. The first
drop is 200 feet at seventy miles an hour... what a trip. It's even
better than sniffing kool-aid dust! Wild thing...I think I love you.

And now for.....

Okayyy...herez the deal. We've decided that our demented publication
should have a motto. We, the writers have come up with a few
alternatives, and we would love for you all to vote for the best one. We
will then tally up the votes, and use them for our lucky lotto numbers.
Haha...just kidding!!! We will use them to select which motto we will

You may vote by email, or there is a spot on the web page to vote

1. "If laughter is the best medicine, we must be on drugs"
2. "CAUTION: You are now entering the fourth demention. Anything you
say, can and will be laughed at."

3. "Farm Macheenery (Exploding)'s like three women cooking in the
dark." (thanx to eener's brother)
4. "We're a 10 on the Barbie Bedwetting Scale."
5. "The ONLY internet e-zine that tastes like chicken."
6. "wutg."
7. "I don't care if I just brushed my teeth, golldurn it...I'm still
gonna eat this chocolate chip cookie."
8. "We are nuts, but we can't be walnuts, because we are off the wall."
9. "Help!!!!! My brain is on fire!!!"
10. "The ONLY official e-zine of STHQ, DTUA, FBI, CIA, IRS, IRC, WUTG,
FCC, FTP, HTTP, BBC, NAACP, AFL-CIO, NRA, and Depends Undergarments."

Okay! Please vote for just one, or we will simply count the first one you
list. We will let you know, in the next couple of weeks, which motto
out-mottoed the others. The deadline on voting is July 14th.


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

Last week, we found the characters at a Steve Taylor concert...

The scene: after the Steve Taylor concert...the characters and the rest
of the crowd are slowly filing out of the concert area.

Esmerelda: wipes the sweat from her forehead Whew! I am tired now...I
think I am going to go home and sleep...sayyyyy, where do I live?
Al: NOOOO!!!!! She said the 'T' word!!
I.M.: What...'to'?
Al: No, you moron!! 'tired'. Oh no!!!!! Now I said it!!
(Al washes his mouth out with soap)
Buffy: Everyone...I have something to confess. I am in love with Howard!
I have kept it inside so long...I had to tell!!
Howard: looking around Hey, did I miss something?
Al: Say, wait a minute, Buffy! Didn't you know that Howard has a prison
record for that...incident?
Howard: SHUT UP!! Don't talk about that....incident.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: I told you I'd be back.
Al: Shoves Arnold out of the picture...get outta here, we are in the
middle of an important scene!
(Arnold falls off the edge of the frame)
Esmerelda: in a threatening manner I know what happened to Howard...
and I'm gonna tell Buffy!! Hear that? I'm gonna tell her!! Because....
singing I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK, I sleep all night and I work all
(Buffy raises her eyebrow)
I.M.: Ummm....ok?!
Esmerelda: Howard committed a felony, by impersonating Barney!!!!
(Howard hangs his head in shame)
Howard: There's not much I can do, is there? If these writers wanted
me to dress in a bikini and rob the local bank, while singing "I've got
one hand in my pocket...because I'm holding a gun...but I have no pockets,
because I'm wearing this !@#*&^$*&$ bikini" There ain't a thing I can do
to prevent it!!!

Join us next time...when we MAY ACTUALLY find out what happens next!!!

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

Dear Wise Sage,

Did Adam have a belly button?

From, Frobean

Dear Frobean,

I don't know if he did, but I do.

Wise Sage, who thanks Swavek for the suggestion

Fruit Bats in your Toilet

**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email

This conversation was stolen from the FBI by the CIA, from whom the tape
was in turn stolen by the intergalactic not-so-secret police. It has been
made open to the public, primarily in order to embarass certain
not-to-be-named (STRIPES AND TMD) individuals. The FBI agent recording
this conversation now has a permanent case of stretched toes from hanging
upside-down in a tree, outside a french cafe. Stripes and The Magic Dragon
sat in this tree, passing comments and other things about people in the

Dragon : Who are you?
Stripes : Me? I'm a perfectly harmless racoon who got attacked by a dye
maker with screwed colour co-ords.
Dragon : Oh? To me you look like a racoon with blue and yellow stripes,
and pink spots! But I have a hangover, so don't trust my
judgement on the pink spots.
Stripes : Don't worry I don't, I've just met you, but I already know I'm
not going to like you!
Dragon : I swear this is some kind of universal conspiricy. First NO-ONE
trusts me, Its like they think I sunk Atlantis or something, and
now NO-ONE likes me. Is this personal?
Stripes : No, not at all personal. I mean can you blame people for not
trusting you? And you did sink Atlantis didn't you?

Dragon : NO, I did not. That was Numbers. I was just trying to get some
candy out of that blasted vending machine. Numbers pressed the
button. By the way, how did you find out about that. I thought
the narrator shot himself before he told anyone.
Stripes : Yeah, well, you always blame somebody else, esspecially when
they aren't there to defend themselves. Anyway, Atlantis is the
topic for my PhD in Ancient Mythology. So just watch what you say,
I know what you're talking about.
Dragon : Kewl, so how did you get here. I'm on my break. I'm the cook in
the cafe.
Stripes : Now I'm really glad I didn't come here to eat -
Dragon : No you idiot, I mean I am the OVEN. I breath my superheated
flame breath over all the food that needs to be cooked. For some
reason though, all the customers always complain that the food is
Stripes : Why am I not suprised?
Dragon : Wait .... Wait ... Its coming to me *put his fingers to his
temples in a semi psychic style*... No ... lost it. Oh, now I get
it, you were being sarcastic.
Stripes : Holds his hands up in the air in despair No really?
Dragon : pulls an acorn off the the tree and drops it
Voice : from below Hey waiter, whats this acorn doing in my coffee.
Dragon : Oops.
Stripes : Why does that sound so familiar.

(For those who are totally lost, suffer, or read last issue. ATLANTIS.-Ed.)

You've just taken my sadistic idea for the day. I wanted to
drop acorns, but Nooooo, you have to do it first. Stripes points
to a pile of acorns sitting next to him

Dragon : Say do those tatse like mushrooms?
Stripes : No they taste like acorns.
Dragon : Right fine, but I'll try one anyway. *Dragon lifts Stripes up,
and places him on another branch, then proceeds to systematically
eat through Stripes' pile of acorns.
Stripes : Stripes picks more acorns and throws them full force at
Dragon's head.

Dragon : Starts swaying Hey man, I've got to try more of these thi -
OWWW. Stripes' latest attempt hits dragon on a sore tooth.
Stripes : Tee hee hee
Dragon : That was my sore tooth!
Stripes : Laughs harder You realy think I care, you ate my acorns.
Dragon : Yes, but you spiked them didn't you.
Stripes : Me? Spike them, with what?
Dragon : Food dye.
Stripes : quotes from memory The surgeon general has warned that food
dye can be dangerous to your health, especially when wielded by
crazy dye makers with wierd taste in coulors. unquote And you
fell for it, maniacal laughter
Dragon : But I feel fine, Dragon throws up suddenly
Voice : from below Waiter, I didn't order mushroom sauce.
Dragon : I feel sick!
Stripes :Not my problem.
Dragon : ...
Dragon : ...
Dragon : I still feel sick.
Voice : from above Argggggrgggg
The FBI agent falls from the tree
Voice :*from below* Hey what's with this tree anyway?
Stripes : Hey Dragon, do me a favour and throw up on the lady, and not
just on her food.
Dragon : Never, I'm never helping you again!
Stripes : But why not, I never did anything to you.
Dragon : Noooo, only made me sick, gave me a headache, (oops sorry,
headache wasn't part of the script), and made my sore tooth even
... wait a minute, where is it? Hey now I cant pay this month's
rent you fool. I was relying on the tooth fairy for assistance.
And now I've lost my tooth. But... I do feel better.
Voice : from below Hey waiter, there's a tooth in my soup.
Waiter : Shhh... not so loud, or everyone might want one.
Stripes : First, You wanted to eat the acorns, second, I was only
defending myself -
Dragon : From what?
Stripes : ... and third, I think you should fetch your tooth!
Dragon : looks down But that's not my tooth, its all white and shiny. I
bought the green version.
Stripes : I, the master of dyes, can definetly say you were ripped off.
That was a clever, well actually really obvious, fake attempt
which could fool only an idiot into thinking those teeth were
green. Besides the tooth fairy doesn't pay for green teeth.
Dragon : So who's been paying for them all this time?
Stripes : Well how many teeth have you lost?
Dragon : Errr.... only this one really!
Stripes : exasperated So how do you know you're going to get paid.
Dragon : Father Christmas told me.
Stripes : You know, for a dragon that's supposed to be magical, you realy
are DUMB.
Dragon : What,... oh I'm sorry I wasn't listening. I was trying to use my
ACME Incredible Magic Dragon Tail Extention Hook to get that
tooth back. And now you interupted me. You know you're realy
lousy company. And you critisize my spilling.. (spelling-Ed.)
Stripes : How can I critisize your spelling when you're talking to me?
Dragon : Blame Ed.
Stripes : Blame Who?
Dragon : Ed. Don't you know anything about cheaply produced attempts at
comic relief?
FBI agent stands up, shakes his head and says to the customers :
FBI guy : Don't worry folks, FBI business. Everythings under control. Now
please don't panic. As long as none of you know that there's a
purple dragon, who want's to cause a hostage situation, and has a
nuclear bomb strapped to his tail up in that tree ...
Dragon : I do? I mean I DO. ARGGGGG.
A purple tail with an ACME Incredible Magic Dragon Tail Extention Hook
can be seen hanging from the tree

Half the crowd runs, the other half get out cellular phones and call the
papers, their friends, the police, and the local mental asylum, in that

Half of Crowd : ARGGGGGGG
FBI guy : Hey where you all running to?
FBI guy attempts to walk, and trips over his stretched toes
Stripes : Revenge, Revenge!
Dragon : Hey, who did put this nuclear bomb on my tail?
Stripes : smiles
FBI guy : crawls slowly away, the sound fades on the recording
Dragon : Stripes, don't you want to help me get this bomb off?
Dragon : STRIPES?
Dragon : Stripes?
Dragon : stripes?
Screech of wheels
FBI guy : Oops, Note to self, red light means stop, NOT go.
FBI guy : Ouch!

Ok so we lied about passing comments, only acorns this time -Ed.

Stripes is an addition to our band of writers on this end of the
deppresion scale.

Hope you enjoy it etc.
Magic Dragon.


Same news as last week...


Oh! There was a festival in Austin, Minnesota over the weekend called
"Spam Jam". I know someone who went to it! Unfortunately, I was working
and couldn't go.

Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash

The tower of Snapple

decided to build a tower of Snapple.
He collected bottles all his life.
Strawberry kiwi...Pink Lemonade...
all of the flavors in the rainbow.
He took the bottles one day,
and a roll of duct tape.
God spaketh saying...
thou shalt not build a tower of Snapple...
thou shalt not attempt to reach heaven
with thy tower.
The man disregarded these words...
and built the tower all the same...
He windeth the duct tape all around
the snapple bottles.
Around and around the bottles
he windeth the duct tape.
The tower got higher and higher...
and then he ran out of duct tape.
The end.

eener and melvan

Psychiatrist 2

"I am frustrated...I want to kill my sister"
"I hear you saying you are frustrated and want
to kill your sister..."
"Yes...I am crazy and insane."
"I hear you saying you are crazy and insane."
"I want to kill people and turn them into lampshades."
"I hear you saying you want to kill people and turn
them into lampshades."
"I am going to flip off your power switch."


New Talent

I balanced
an empty
Mountain Dew can


Newer talent

melvan typed
an empty
Mountain Dew can



Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #37, 1 July 1996

melvan... M M finally has
F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
her... M M M M own... Issue #37
F M M computer!!!
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:


At the time of this writing, the temperature is quite high. This morning
when I looked out the window at our thermometer, it was already about 90
degrees F. It's so hot...

Subscribers: HOW HOT IS IT?

It's sooooo hot that when you step out of an air-conditioned car, your
glasses steam up. (if you have glasses)

And now...


I was in the irc channel #soundworks, happily chatting with friends, when
the idea of Beward exploding lawnmowers was born, quite by accident. I
tried to make a topic line titled "Beware exploding Lawnmowers," but I
typo-d and instead typed "Beward exploding Lawnmowers!" Soooo...someone
in the channel (Mugsy, I think) remarked " Beward the brand
name??" And...the idea went from there! Some details on this wonderful
piece of macheenery: it runs on explosives...not gas, and is the official
lawnmower of STHQ, the headquarters for Steve Taylor as prez in '96. We
hope this wonderful piece of equipment will soon be available on the
general market.


She wuz having a conversation with Darin....her sweetheart, and said, in
regards to something they were discussing..."Something stinks in Denver!!"
Darin laughed quite a bit at this exclamation...and explained that the
proper statement is "Something is rotten in Denmark!" Welll... I think I
should send this one in to Bulletin Board!!! BB is a part of the St. Paul
Pioneer Press newspaper, full of funny stories of the every day lives of
people...I urge you all to check it out at
buttttttt I think you may have to subscribe to it to get it....but it is
worth it, believe me!!! You'll laugh 'til your head needs to be
re-attached with duct tape!

SpEaKiNg of DuCt TaPe.....
(ohhh...who cares if the intro gets over-long...)

Here are some duct tape recent events we have come across!!!!

1. In Eau Claire, Wi, which is quite close to here, someone actually
committed suicide by wrapping their head in duct tape! True story!!!

2. Today on Prairie Home Companion, Garrison Keillor said it was
sponsored by the American Duct tape association (or a similar-sounding

3. In the newspaper recently, there was a column entitled "ValuJet took
Duct tape book too much to heart." This column told the story of a flight
attendant who saw duct tape on the seat of a ValuJet craft and wondered
about her safety...if there is duct tape on the seat... what is in the

4. Found in a catalog, there was mentioned a new kind of "military" duct
tape....supposedly stronger than duct tape! gasp The catalog claims
that this new military duct tape has even been used to patch bullet holes
in aircraft....

5. My (melvan's) cousin Victor & his family came to visit on Sunday
afternoon, and when they were leaving, Victor popped the hood on the car
and noticed something amiss...Some wire or something was broke... So I
ran in the house and got the duct tape...and he fixed it.

***Thanks to Darin for contributing the military duct tape item and the
suicide by duct tape story! And thanx to melvan's dad for mentioning the
ValuJet article...


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

In the immortal words of melvan's cousin Victor, "Pour a little more
gasoline on that tractor...make sure it keeps burning."

Last week on ATTB, we discussed Al's addiction to duct tape...and also
mentioned that if any of you are addicted to duct tape, you should join
DTUA (duct tape users anonymous.) We understand how an addiction may make
you feel confused...guilty....misunderstood...sticky....soooo....join
DTUA!! Check out for more information!

Anywaysssssss....on with the show!

Scene: All of the characters are at a Steve Taylor concert. Steve Taylor
is a Christian music artist/producer/music video director who sings the
most awesome alternative tunes.

Steve: singing Hey momma, hey momma lookit what yer babies all have
become...hey momma, hey momma...don't it ever make you wish you'd been a

Esmerelda: Ouch! That had to hurt!!!
Steve: singing Vain and fickle, were we weaned on a pickle????

Howard: Macaroni & Cheese.
Buffy: What???
Howard: I just heard one of the writers, eener to be specific, say she
would like to make some macaroni and cheese....
Buffy: Er....I think you are hearing those voices in your head again....
Steve: singing Smugggggg.....

Howard: I know I heard eener say she was going to make some macaroni
and cheese!!!
Raul: Argh!! melvan can't type on this weird Mac keyboard!!
Al: I the only one who isn't having psychic messages from the
thinking must be that the duct tape on my ears blocks
these messages from entering my brain...
Bourgeois: Vote for Steve Taylor in '96!!!!!

I.M.: headbanging I love this song!!
Al: bawling It's not faiiiir! I want to be like Hillary Clinton and
hear psychic messages!!!
Howard: Wait!!! Wait...I hear a message coming from the writers again...
what does it mean????? It's.....wutg.
***Raul is now known as Wutg
-Lifebot-I like Wutg...good choice.
Wutg: Hehehe...this is a cool nick :-)
eener: LOL
***Wutg is now known as Raul
Al: These writers are irc addicts!!!!
Howard: I got another message from the writers!!!! It
says.....*confused expression* melvan ripped off the frog ball's legs????
Steve: singing And I gasped when I saw you fall, in his the
finish lineeeeeeeee.....

I.M.: falls over Whoa...
Michael Jackson: I am innocent! I am innocent! Would you like to meet
Bubbles the chimp?
I.M.: Hey! That's my line! I'm innocent!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Hey everybody, go see my new movie, Eraser.

Arnold: Hey, what is this junk...I want my money!!
Guy in suit: There is no difference. The frog ball is is
(note to all the clueless, cuz we'd hafta tell you sooner or later...the
frog ball ACTUALLY exists...It's a small green ball with black markings...
and if you cut its legs off...they grow back...and we don't know
why....should we call "Unsolved Mysteries?")
Esmerelda: Those stupid writers, filling valuable space with
parenthetical statements like that...sheesh.
Steve: singing Oooh Ohhh Ahhh Ahhh...Easy listening!!!

Steve: singing Y...M...C...A!!!!! Hahahaha...just kidding!
(Al suddenly jumps up on the stage)
Al: keep falling over! Here...duct tape yourself to the
(Al hands Steve a roll of duct tape)
Steve: Well...thanks!

Join us next time....when the writers may or may not make macaroni and

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

sigh The wise sage has your questions, she just hasn't answered many of
them yet. Stay tuned for the answers to your questions....

Fruit Bats in your Toilet

**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email

I have some Spam haikus. the mail thing I have is messed up, so I decided
I'd send 'em this way.

"Pink, slimy, moving,
I hold the glob in my hands.
it feels good, the Spam."

"if you need a key
to open its container
you should not eat it"

"like a tresure chest,
you need a key to open
pink goo and jelly"

"the Father said, 'son
here is the key to my spam
it is ten years old'"

"I listen for the sound
to tell me that it's ready
then I eat my spam"

"colors aplenty
in a blue and yellow can
with jelly on top"

These were all written by me (PattyT) tonite (Monday the 20-sompin in
June) because I'd been doing the Monty Python Spam skit all week at camp,
so a boy from my youth group bought me a can of spam, which served as
great inspiration!


We have no news to report...EXCEPT THIS: wutg.
Thank you for your time.

Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash

Excuses, excuses

did I
take so long
to reply
to your email?
My computer blew up...
I'm lagged...
A monster ate all my fingers.
A monster......with a face like
the face of Robert Tilton...
without the horns.

eener and melvan (with apologies to ST)


I cannot
a decent chair
to sit on
at my computer.


Cuckoo clock

my cat is sleeping
on the suitcase!
A blue ribbon hangs on the wall..
as a fan blows through my hair...
I wonder about that frog ball
whose legs keep growing...
this is even stranger
than the
electrical outlet


Post script

it does take a few days
for the frog ball's
legs to grow again.


Post post script

melvan ripped his legs off...
expecting immediate results...
Rome wasn't built in a day...
and the frog ball's legs



A screape
is a sound
like fingernails
on a chalkboard
somewhere between
a scrape
and a screech.



Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #36, 24 June 1996

F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:

For those of you who were wondering why there was nothing in last week's're right...we ARE nuts!!


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

Last week on ATTB, nothing happened.

As if you'd notice. Or care.

Al: You know, guys, I have a problem.
Raul: We know.
Howard: Yeah--what he said.
Esmerelda: Tell us!! Tell us!! Inquiring minds want to know!!
Al: see, it's like this...
Al: Takes a deep breath see...I have an addiction...
I.M.: What, have you been sniffing Kool-aid dust AGAIN???
Al: No, it's much more serious this time...
Buffy: you think he's o.d'ing on Spam again?
Raul: Shut up!! Let's just listen to what he's got to say for once!!
Al: I confess!! I'm addicted to duct tape!! I just can't hide it
anymore!! (rips open his shirt to reveal a duct taped chest)
Esmerelda: Oh, that's sick!!!
Buffy: Gee...that looks like it'd hurt to remove!
Howard: Uhhh...yeah...what she said.
I.M.: looking confused ...and this is a *problem*??

Al: Well...when I first started using duct held my life
together...held my car together...held my house together!!! But
then...the addiction took ahold of me...and now...I want to duct tape
EVERYTHING!!! My cat didn't appreciate it...
Buffy: YOU DUCT TAPED YOUR CAT?????? What the heck is wrong with you???
Al: Well...noooo...I didn't duct tape the cat...I fed him duct tape.
Buffy: Oh...well, ok.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Hi! (Arnold then walks away holding
$4,000,000.00 for making a cameo appearance in this cyber-soap)

I.M.: You know, if they're gonna hand out $4 million checks to people,
you'd think they'd start with the REGULAR cast first...
Producer: Duh...get a all are NOT all need
Announcer: Buy Metamucil! On sale this week at all drug stores near
you. Enjoy our new Spam-flavored Metamucil!
Buffy: Hey! I gotta have some of that!!

Buffy: widens her eyes WOW!!! I guess they decided those puffs of
smoke weren't enough special effects for this high-class publication!
Al: Can we get back to the issue here? What do I do about my duct tape
Raul: Join DTUA.
Al: What the heck is a DTUA?
Esmerelda: That's Duct Tape Users Anonymous.
Al: do I know it exists if it's anonymous?

Join us next week...when the plot will be completely changed...YET AGAIN....

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

Dear The Wise Sage,

How and why do cockroaches always die on their backs? And why do their
legs fold up?


Dear Wallphone,

Firstly, I will adress the question of why cockroaches always die on their
backs. The government has hired a large force of people called
"Turnovers," who actively seek-out dead cockroaches (who don't naturally
die on their backs!), and these folks turn the cockroaches over on their
backs. Why, you may ask??? It's because the government does things that
make us wonder. Secondly, I will adress the question of why their legs
fold up. A large majority of cockroaches have a small system installed in
their body called "Leg-Fold-ups-R-Us." This system is designed to fold up
the bugs legs when it is dead, to conserve space in the environment. Bugs
care about the environment too, you know!

Wise Sage

Dear (O' great) Wise Sage,

My toenail seemes to be growing! It seeem to be getting longer, and
longer-- but never when I am waching. Is this normal? How can I get it to
grow when I am waching? Is it really growing or am I just forgetting how
short it was previeously? Don't tell me I need help, because my mom is in
the other room, darning my socks. (I don't kneed you to do that.)

left toe

Dear left toe,

As the old saying goes..."A watched toenail never grows." It is
impossible to make your toenail grow while you watch. The toenails follow
a strict behavior code, which does not allow them to do this. And yes,
your toenails are growing...they grow the instant you look away, and
especially while you are sleeping. You may then ask "Well...what if I
stay up all the time and stare at my toes...will they grow then??" The
answer to that, my friend is a solid, resounding "No!" In fact, when
experiments were conducted with this...people stayed up for days and
stared at their toes. The toenails became intimidated, and disappeared

Wise Sage

Dear Wise Sage,

Why does David Letterman wear a hairpiece in public but not on his show?


Dear mookie,

Unbeknownst to most people, David Letterman and the Hair club for Men
president are ONE AND THE SAME person!! public, he becomes the
hair club president, who has to wear a hair piece, because the hair club
sytem is just a hoax where they give you a really expensive toupee. He
doesn't wear it on his show, because he doesn't want people to recognize
him as the hair club president.

Wise Sage

Fruit Bats in Your Toilet

**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email

Well can ya believe it? We actually got some stuff to put in this section
this week!!

Hi there, Another one from Numbers & TMD

Not another episode, we're out of Dr. Pepper for creativity currently, but
maybe you'll enjoy this!

To haunt the shadows of the night,
To fill the demon's heart with fright,
To roam where moonlight doesn't shine,
Can no-one ever end this rhyme?

To open fire on the dead,
To lie with Juliet in Romeo's stead,
To smash a wall in reverse,
Will no-one help me end this verse?

To wander in the Sun King's park,
To listen to the songs of dark,
To drink the Devil's cup of tea,
PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY (Sorry to D. Pirner for the quote!)

To frighten all the dogs of hell,
To make all illness feel unwell,
To dress poverty in a tux,
Man, this poem really sux!

To be or not to be (Sorry to W. Shake... for the quote)
Let's go on a killing spree,
To fight and lose on Custer's side,
I think our inspiration died!

Oh yeah, just arb thanx to Carmen Wortmann for the inspiration of the last


Jim looks around pouts his lips, and mooves his face in really weird
expressions that are retarded and undescribeable (the only good point for
his beng Forrest) he exclaims: "Did you know that my buttoxs?" He then
looks around quickly, bends over and playing with his cheeks, voices "My
momma always said: 'life is like a box of ca-ca's you never know which one
stinks really bad." He then dons a green body suit with a big question
mark on it (?) and says "Stupid is stupid does." Then picks up a actient
wooden and metal mask, turns into a party animal with a green face and
huge clothes, then moons the president and tells him "I GOT to go PEE!"
Next he gets pooped out of a rhino completely naked and I wont tell you
how THAT happened! he then proceedes to run all over the country in the
middle of a highway, gets killed by a semi truck and lives to tell about
it. (I wont tell you how that happened either)

--Contributed by WallPhone


Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash

What is it again?

Gimme a 'G'
Gimme an 'A'
Gimme a 'T'
Gimme an 'E'
Gimme a 'space'
Gimme another 'A'
What gate is that?


Dr. Pepper (the beverage)
------------------------- sweet it is...
running down the esophagus...
which I don't know how to spell for sure...
I love my sweet Dr. Pepper...
healer of all sickness...
Winner of all wars....
Winner of all presidential elections....
Lowerer of our taxes....
I love it...
almost as much as I love duct tape... sweet it is...
Sweet sweet Dr. Pepper...
running down my esophagus...
Gee, I wish I knew how to spell that word...
I s'pose I could look it up in the dictionary...
I'm duct-taped to my chair...drinking Dr. Pepper.

eener & melvan

Subliminal message

This isn't
a subliminal message
because if it were
you wouldn't know


My Turn

Never thought it would happen to ME...
'cuz I have a good German name...
but the other night...
this guy...
called me 'Hoffmeister'
Go figure...



but this song


Song 2

I'm not going to


Song 3

I want
a song.


Song 4 (the speculation)

must want to be the song...
Champagne Supernova.
Don't try to figure that out...
You wouldn't understand...


Song 5

Did you know...
that the song
"Lead On O King Eternal"
if sung wrong...
sounds like
"Lead on o Kinky Turtle"


Song 6 (the conclusion)

My cat


Aaaaargh!!! It's that time again...we gotta get outta here...


Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #35, 17 June 1996

F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

Fruit Bats in Your Toilet

**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email


Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash

Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #34, 10 June 1996

F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:

Before we start this issue...eener would like to share a quote with you
"Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb"--from Spaceballs, the

Remember that stoopid survey we took 10 issues ago? Well, we finally got
around to assembling those responses...and here are some of the most
interesting answers to the questions...

1. Where did you hear about FME?

"I wish I could remember so I could track them down and put their eyes out
with a soldering iron."--Tom W.

"from a chicken faijita"--Jessica O.

2. Why do guys always wear white socks?

"I don't. Right now I am wearing black ones with little bitty green
stripes across the toes. What is the point of these? No one sees
them."--Alan S.

"Simple, Black socks + White hightops + shorts = a real dork."--Sir John

EDITORS' NOTE: Most of the guys who answered this question said something
along the lines of "I'm not", while most of the gals tried to explain it.

3. What do you like about FME?

"it's funny and talks about spam"--Shanna

"It makes me feel happy, despite how bad of a mood I'm in."--Mark

"ASK WISE SAGE!!!!!! Sage ruuuuulz....dude."--Curtis D.

" had something"--Matt P.

"The shear stupidity."--Chris

"The general hilarity that ensues throughout the entire mental institution
everytime we open up the Nursing station computer and read this crazy
thing. Plus the deep philosophical questions it evokes! Like: why are
you out there and we're in here?"--Dave H.

4. What could be improved on?

"If you get around to it, a plot for ATTB. Just a thought. ;-)"--Erik R.

"The shear stupidity."--Chris

"I think you guys are far too serious. Lighten up a little. Enjoy life.
Don't try to talk about the implications of NAFTA on the EEC in _every_
issue. Tone down the big words."--Matt P.

5. this sentence ends with a preposition.

"this one does not end with a preposition...well, it does end with
"preposition," but it doesn't end with a preposition...confused yet? I
am."--Rick B.

"well the word preposition is not a preposition so the sentance is false
and therefore you are all lyers."--Jessica O.

6. disregard #5

"Fine; Short Circuit was an inane, plotless movie anyway."--Tom W.

7. disregard #7

"7# dragersid .7"--Mark

8. What is your favorite section of FME?

"The .sig file"--Haxiem

"WISE SAGE, without a doubt."--just about everybody

"ATTB"--a couple people

9. What country are you from?

"Denmark. No, Australia! Aaaaaauuuggghh...."--Tom W.

"mars"--Jessica O.

10. If the answer to #9 is USA, which state?

"I don't know that! Aaaaaauuuugggghh...."--Tom W.

"The State of Confusion. (Actually, it's spelled C-a-l-i-f-o-r-n-i-a, but
it's pretty much the same thing.)"--Dave H.

"the big red spot"--Jessica O.


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

Last week on ATTB, Norin ya Quorin Pooc Hin.

This week on ATTB, Wimble Borg Oompus Electrus.

The scene///////////////////////////////whoops. Er...the scene is in Al's
campaign office, because, as you may remember, he is running for

Raul: You know, guys, I'm getting really sick of not having a plot on
this stoopid internet soap opera.
Al: Why? Plots are overrated. All the successful movies & tv shows have
plots. We wanna be different. Go against the flow. Know what I mean,
Raul: Er...somehow that line seems familiar!
Vern: Um...nevermind...I don't exist.
(Vern disappears in a plaid poof of smoke)
Buffy: I think we should mutiny against these StUpId writers, and try to
create our own plot!!!!!
I.M.: Hmmmm....*looks around* I think we lost the plot!
Esmerelda: Well, if we lost it, wouldn't it be in the lost and found?
Raul: I want to take over the world!!!!!
Howard: looks around Where are Pinky and the Brain when we need them?
Buffy: runs up to Raul I have always loved you!
Raul: Let's get married!!
Howard: flares his nostrils Gee....I didn't know I could flare my
nostrils...*raises his eyebrow* Gosh...I can raise my eyebrow!!!! does
a stomach transplant on himself
Wow...I won't even comment on that
Al: HOWARD can do SURGERY?????? Do you know what this means?????
Buffy: Um...I know!! I know! waves her hand Howard can open a
medical practice, make lots of money, and marry me, and we can live
happily ever after!!!!
Buffy: Wait, I just had a line...I'll let someone else go here.
Esmerelda: Nooo...I wanna marry Howard!
Raul: Er...I thought you loved me Buffy! sobs
Howard: You can BOTH marry me!! We'll move to some country where that's
Al: No, you guys...that's not what I meant...remember those aliens we
saw a couple years ago? They said that when Howard could do surgery,
they'd come back and suck out all our internal organs!!!! We gotta go
hide somewhere!!!!

Join us next time on ATTB, when we may or may not find the plot in a lost
and found box...

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

Dear Wise Sage,

Why do men have nipples?


Dear mookie,

They are there, so if the guy runs out of other areas to get pierced, they
can pierce them.

Wise Sage

Fruit Bats in Your Toilet

**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email

GeeeeEeeeeEEeeee...ya know, we thought you'd all flood us with cool poems
and stories and stuff when we changed the name of this oh-so-awesome
column...we thought the absolute spiffiness of the name change would
spur you all to such heights of inspiration, we would not be able to keep
up with the flood of email, containing marvelous writing. Alas, it was
not to be so. A cat I used to have went insane when he smelled Ben Gay.
The cat I have now doesn't do that, which is cool, cuz then he won't drive
me bonkers when I have sore muscles.

Send stuff in to us! (and money, of course)


Okay guys...the news is...nothing. Actually, remember a few weeks ago
when we said that melvan's email address would be changing after a while?
Well, she finally got the software in the mail...only it turns out that
you need a credit card to register, which melvan does not have (yet)
this address will be in use for a while yet....

Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash


I saw
a toad


Electrical Outlet II

I'm dead.



This poem
three lines long.



"Hold the mustard on those tacos...."
With two small tacos in his pocket...
He heads out to the plane...
with toothpaste still on his shirt...
Hair flying...
Cartwheeling across the stage,

eener & melvan

A REAL poem that actually rhymes

I'm a
Mime with a
to Climb.

melvan & eener (wutg)


Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #33, 3 June 1996

Thewriters M M arestoopid
F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
FFFFF M M M M EEEEE Issue #33?
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:

Okay guys...this week we don't remember which issue this is, so if you can
tell us...YOU WIN A MILLION DOLLARS!!!! Just kidding. We can't afford
that kind of prize money. This is a free zine, remember?


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

Last week on ATTB, we don't know what happened because we don't have last
week's issue anywhere near the computer we happen to be writing this issue
on...something having to do with Al's Presidential campaign... So, I'm
sure you'll understand if this week's episode doesn't quite follow what
happened last week...not like it would have anyway...


Raul: Do any of you know what's going on?
Buffy: looks around Um....nope!!
Al: WAAAAAAH!!!!!!
Howard: You all are poopy heads!!!
I.M.: (whining) I am not!!!
Howard: Are too!
I.M.: Am not!!!
Howard: Are too are too are TOO!!!
I.M.: Am not am not am NOT!!!!
Al: throws a stuffed pig at Howard You're stupid!
Howard: grabs the pig and tears its head off Wow! Everyone look at
this...there's money inside this pig!
Esmerelda: That's not money...
Al: I kin use this money for when I become president, when I'm a


Howard: Hey you **%&$&$& people...let's get moving on this campaign work!
Al: What, is it time for the bus tour already? Yippee!!!! singing We
get to go for a ride, we get to go for a ride...
Buffy: slaps Al with her purse Grow up, Al...we've already got a
lunatic for a President.

Join us next week, when we actually figure out what happens...or not....


:?) Basic elephant
:-) Elephant without a trunk
Elephant without a Face
!;?) winking French elephant, wearing a beanie
:?)) Elephant with a double chin
:?P Elephant sticking his tongue out
:o) Elephant that morphed into a human after falling into a vat of
:?)>>> Elephant with a goatee
@@@ This is not an elephant icon.
(?: Backwards elephant
) The Cheshire Elephant

The Section Where Other People Write
**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email

Okey dokey...remember us writing those lists of how to know if you've been
on irc too long? We got another one sent to us by mookie! Here it is:
"Hey i think another way to tell you've been on IRC too long is 'you start
to smile side ways'"


Our news for this week: qwertyuiop.

Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash

A poem...I think


melvan (thanx to Darin!)

Sing to the tune of "Blue Danube"

I have a cold
Sniff sniff
sniff sniff
I have a cold
sniff sniff
snort snort
I have a cold
snort snort
honk honk
I have a cold
sneeze sneeze
wheeze wheeze
I have a cold
cough cough
snort snort
I have a cold
'Scuse me...

melvan & eener (wutg)

Something eener wrote the other night...

There are three tractors sitting in a field
One explodes...
There are two left.
There are two tractors sitting in a field
One explodes...
There is one left.
One tractor,
alone in a cruel world
It becomes depressed and seeks counseling.

eener (with help from melvan's memory) (wutg)


Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #32, 27 May 1996

eenerisan M M mk3goddess
F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
melvan M M M M is an Issue #32
F M M irc addict
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:

To kick off this, our thirty-second issue, I (eener), thought I'd tell you
all what is located on a shelf in melvan's room. This is no ordinary
collection of of the things is an Energizer bunny flashlight.
Ok, that's not too weird, you may say. But this flashlight is nestled
up next to a large ceramic pink piggy bank. AND the piggy bank has duct
tape stuck to its stomach. Ok...and over on the other side of the shelf,
there is a roll of duct tape, sitting there like a trophy of some kind.
(And get this: I saw her put her Dr. Pepper in the hole in the duct tape
roll...yeah...) Behind the duct tape is a box of Animaniacs Macaroni and
Cheese. She doesn't plan to eat this mac n cheese, mind you!!! I think
she plans to keep it just in case it becomes a collector's item, or
something. Next to the mac n cheese is a stuffed Wakko doll. (Wakko is
one of the Animaniacs.) And get this: she has two miniature tractors up
there... signifying this lovely E-zine, of course. (I, too have a small
tractor at home, which melvan gave me as a kewlio gift....) To top off
this lovely ensemble, melvan has a miniature pool table on her shelf,
which I so ceremoniously gave her as a gift once. Well, that basically
covers it...

Rebuttal by melvan: Oh yeah? Well...well...eener eats salt & vinegar
potato chips!!!!

Reply by eener: Is that it? 70 cents! (note to folks: don't even try
to get this one. It's a joke between me and mel from wayyyyyyyy back!)

Next from melvan again: Hmmm...that window looks like there's another
room over there...Oh...and...PLLBBP! (more inside jokes)

Special note to Darin in GA: Welllll...paint the doghouse black!!!!!

Note to all you kewl subscribers from eener and melvan: We love all you
WaCky subscribers...keep on laughing!!

"It's like 3 women cooking in the dark..." --actual quote from eener's

note from eener: Geeeeee mel, do ya think the intro's long enough yet?

note from melvan: Nope, add a couple more pages to it....

YET another note from eener: There's one more thing I have to say one
certain Matt Prins......Yaaaa...JUST KIDDING!!!


This one was contributed to us by mookie:

Iowa: Idiots Out Walking Around

eener notes: I've heard that one before!! Heh heh heh

Okay!!!! Okayyyyyy...on with the 'zine, ferpete'ssake!!

...And now for something completely different........
(Yup...Monty Python all de way)


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

When we last saw our ATTB characters, they were putting Al to bed because
he was saying...uh...weird things. Note to the new and/or clueless: Al
Rightithen is running for President of the United States.

Al (waking up): Ah...(y*wns)...that was a good nap! I should take them
more often.
(Bill Clinton appears in a poof of green smoke)
Bill: Heyyyy...what's going on? looks sadly at his empty hands Where
did my Big Mac go?
Buffy: Uh...I think you're on the wrong stage, pal.
Bill: I feel your pain...
Esmerelda: Ack! Get out of here!!!!!
(Bill Clinton disappears in a poof of striped smoke)
Howard: slightly bug-eyed Wowwwwww...the special effects just keep
getting cooler and cooler! Either the special effects budget has been
increased, or the editors are in a good mood.
Buffy: with a thoughtful expression on her face They must have been
drinking Dr. Pepper...just what the doctor ordered.
Howard: What, aren't you going to attribute this to the metric system?
Buffy: Uh, not this time.
Raul: Whew! I'm glad Bill disappeared quickly! We wouldn't want him to
pick up on any of our campaign secrets!
I.M.: Yeah, whatever.
Al: Who cares? I'm going to win! The polls don't lie! I'm right at the
top! When I get to the White House, I'm gonna have a party!
Raul: Uh, Al...that's what every President does when they win...

Join us next time when the characters may or may not eat Spam.

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

Da Wise Sage has questions, but due to some circumstances (namely, the
computer lab at the university being closed), the questions will be
printed in next week's issue....

Fruit Bats in Your Toilet

**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email come nobody's sending stuff? Surely somebody must have
something of importance to say....


Are you having a hard time trying to think of a birthday gift for that
special someone? Or, is there just someone you'd like to give a gift to
for no particular reason? Or do you just want to annoy the heck out of
someone? Buy them a gift subscription to FME! They'll thank you for the
rest of their, we hope! And best of's free! If there
is someone you want to subscribe to this illustrious publication, send us
their email address, and we the FME editors will do the rest!

Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash

Da Family Bizness

I've worked there for
and now...
my brother
just got a job
doing the same thing...
in a different Pizza Hut...
in a totally different town.......
This poem looks sculptured somehow.....


Yet another identity crisis

Someone told me
I was a pez dispenser
I had a pony-tail



melvan: Okay...iz we done with this issue?
eener: Before we end this, I want to say "Live long and prosper...and use
lots of duct tape."


Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #31, 20 May 1996

The young M M pine tree
F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
F M M quivers...
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:

Welcome to an ABBREVIATED issue of Farm Macheenery (exploding). In this

1. An Announcement
2. As the Tractor Burns
3. The Wise Sage
4. A letter explaining the legal rights of one Mr. Matthew Prins
5. 100 ways to turn your foot into a gun

But first, melvan has something to say: I purposely misspelled
"macheenery" in last week's issue's subject line, and NO ONE (except
eener) noticed it!!! I am hurt. I am going to go pout in a corner.
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go eat worms....

AN ANNOUNCEMENT: We would like to offer a CONGRADUATIONS (and yes, we
misspelled it on purpose) to all of you who are graduating from high
school, college, and kindergarten this month. Good luck in whatever you
pursue, and don't forget, it was FME that got you this far! Just kidding.

And now for a commentary by eener on exploding farm macheens...

I recently went on a date with someone to see the movie "Twister." I
enjoyed all the eye-popping special effects (though they don't even come
close to the special effects we employ in As The Tractor Burns...) As I
was observing this movie, there was a particular part where a tornado hits
a field that has several tractors in it. The twister picks up the
tractors and deposits them on the road where they CraSh to the ground.
I leaned over to Ryan (the guy I was with...the air hockey god...hehe) and
say, "Pssst, Ryan...exploding farm macheenery!!!!" I think you all should
see the movie, just to see that...and the flying cows, of course.


We hate to disappoint all you hardcore ATTB fans, but due to many things,
ATTB is not here this week. Sorry for any inconvenience...

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

Dear Wise Sage,

When peeling a banana, is the banana supposed to split into three or four
seperate peel sections. I seem to alternate between the two and it
confuses me.

Curious George

Dear Curious George,

The number of the counting shall be three. No more, no less. Two shall
you not count, unless you then proceed to three. Four shalt thou not
count. And five is right out!

Wise Sage

Fruit Bats in Your Toilet

**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email

Yet another complaint on behalf of a certain M. D. Prins...

To Miss Elrod and Miss Hoffmeyer:

I have recently been informed of your unqualified, absurd overuse of the
word "yawn" in recent issues of your magazine, Farm Macheenery [sic]
(Exploding), in an attempt to try to disrupt the peaceful, tranquil life
of one Matthew D. Prins. This disruption of Mr. Prins's life falls under
the statue of the new stalking law (HR19.1-470) recently passed by the
Republican congress and signed in to effect by President Bill Clinton.
The local authorities in your area have been contacted of this obtuse
violation of Mr. Prins's rights and will therefore be monitoring your use
of the word "yawn" in e-mail, IRC, and other electronic transmissions for
the next 90 days, to insure that a violation of Mr. Prins's rights in this
way does not occur again. If you are caught breaking this probation, your
privilege of using the word "yawn" or any group of letters similar to the
word "yawn" will be taken away for up to ten years. I have included a
copy of the law in question for your convenience.

Thank you for you cooperation in this matter.

Janet Reno
Attorney General of the United States of America

EDITORS' NOTE: All right, we can take a hint...we promise not to y*wn at
this Mr. Prins anymore.... Since he's soon going home to Iowa for the
summer (or maybe he's already there?), we'll just start in on our vast
collection of IOWA JOKES!!!!!

Q. Why don't Iowans drink Kool-Aid?
A. Because they can't figure out how to get all that water into the
little packet.

If you know any other good ones, let us know.

Here's a piece that we found quite humorous...

Two men met at a bar and struck up a conversation. After a while one of
them said, "You think you have family problems? Listen to my situation.
A few years ago I met a young widow with a grown-up daughter and we got
married. Later, my father married my stepdaughter. That made my
stepdaughter my stepmother and my father became my stepson. Also my wife
became mother-in-law of her father-in-law. Then the daughter of my wife,
my stepmother had a son. This boy was my half brother because he was my
father's son, but he was also the son of my wife's daughter which made him
my wife's grandson. That made me grandfather of my half-brother. This
was nothing until my wife and I had a son.

Now the sister of my son, my mother-in-law is also the grandmother. This
makes my father the brother-in-law of my child, whose stepsister is my
father's wife. I am my stepmother's brother-in-law, my wife is her own
child's aunt, my son is my father's nephew and I am my own grandfather and
you think you have family problems."

from: Chicken?

Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash


I'm delaying
writing a paper
that's already
3 days late...
I'm meaning to
pay that parking ticket
that's several weeks
And someday I'll do
my laundry
that's piled 3 feet high
And perhaps I'll finish
this poem


The meaning of "Kapoot!"

living on one hour of sleep...
getting run over by a jeep
Having your house crushed by a tree...
Getting stung by a golldurned bee

Falling into the Grand canyon...

Running out of Dr. Pepper...

Being duct-taped to a cactus....

...and liking it.




Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Issue #30, 13 May 1996

Yaaawwwwn M M Hahaha!!
F MM MM E Farm Macheenery
F M M M M E (exploding)
The Writers (in no particular order):
Renee Elrod (aka eener):
Melissa Hoffmeyer (aka melvan):

Extra Staff:
Andy Hoffmeyer (aka Elkvis)
--DP's brother & computer expert

FME on the web:

Yikes! It's Issue #30! You know what that means, don't you? That's
right...FME is getting old. It ain't a youngun' anymore. FME online is 7
months old. If FME was a human being, it would be crawling by now...if it
was a cat or a dog or a rabbit, it would be old enough to have its own
little FMEs. But it's just a stoooopid internet magazine, so it doesn't
have to do anything of that sort. All it has to do is sit on your hard
drive and gather dust.


OK, this is a new section. It will only appear when absolutely necessary.
And we will try not to get mushy over this type of stuff.

We would like to offer a special thank you, congratulations, good luck,
and all that to a certain Dorothy Elrod...who just happens to be eener's
mom. She got a new job about 100 miles from here and is moving there with
eener's brother & sister very soon. She has been a very loyal fan of FME
right from the beginning. She prints out a copy of each issue and keeps
them in a file cabinet. She hasn't thrown us into the looney bin yet,
even though we're sure she's had several opportunities to do so. Thanks
for being a loyal fan...we hope you have email at your new job :-)


And now...eener would like to tell you all a little story! It's called
"The story of the cuticle boy"

A couple of weeks ago, I was at church with a date (Darin from GA) and a
good pal of mine (melvan, to be more precise.) The speaker was a
misisonary from Africa, so he was a bit hard to understand. We three
were sitting there, listening, when Darin leaned over to me and said
"Psst...look at that boy over there!" I looked over at the young boy
sitting to the right of us, on the other side of Darin. (melvan was
sitting to my left-- isn't that a vital tidbit of information??) The
boy was holding his dad's hand, pushing back his cuticles with his
fingers!! He was pushing, pushing, pushing on his dad's cuticles with
intensity. As for his dad...well he was snoozing!! When I saw this, it
was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud. I was sitting there
shaking with silent laughter. I hadn't laughed so hard in church since
melvan and I used to sit together and write notes back and forth and get
in trouble with our parents. (this was when we were younger-- last
year...just was quite awhile ago) This little boy then
reached over for his mom's hand, and was inspecting her watch and such.
Well...I just thought I'd share that with you all. End of
story....well...not exactly...Darin commented after that he'd like the boy
to do his cuticles, and his toes, while he was at it! Hehe...have a good
day y'all! Note from melvan: I didn't have a clue what those two were
laughing about...I was actually laughing because eener was laughing so's kinda a YAAAAAAWWWWWWNNNN!!! (So there, Mr.
Prins...again!!!!! hehehehehehehehehe) Oh...and this boy's dad....he's
running for representative or something this fall....


The Characters:
Raul: played by Jim Varney
Esmerelda: played by Roseanne
I.M. Gilty: played by O.J. Simpson
Howard Stern: played by Barney the Dinosaur
Al Rightithen: played by Jim Carrey
Buffy: played by Princess Di

Last time on ATTB, we discovered that Al is running for president!
Well...that basically covers it!

Scene: the campaign office

Reporter: Al, exactly how do you plan to raise money for the National
Society of Barn Door Builders if you take the taxes off Spam?
Al: Uh....I didn't inhale?
Reporter: What?
Al: Uh....I feel your pain?
Reporter: What the heck are you talking about?
Raul: Al is a, confused...
Al: Uh....Read my lips...No new taxes!!!
Buffy: Oh boy...
Esmerelda: Sheesh...Al will never get elected this way!!
I.M.: Sure he will...I'm his runningmate!!
Esmerelda: You are what, I.M.?? I didn't know he had selected a
runningmate yet!!!
Al: Uh....Speak softly and carry a big stick?
Buffy: Ahem...I think Al needs a nap.
Al: Uhhh....Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can
do for your country!
Buffy: raises her left eyebrow
Al: gesturing wildly I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT!!
Raul: Come on Al...You're in a presidential time warp...
Al: Fourscore and seven years ago--
(Raul duct tapes Al's mouth shut)
Al: Mmmmmph!
Reporter: Ooh...This will look GREAT on the front page!!! I can see the
headline: "Presidential candidate Rightithen duct taped by campaign
Buffy: glaring at the reporter Get out of here before I call the men in
white coats!!
(Raul drags Al out of the room, intending to force him to take a nap)
Al: Mmmmmph!! rips duct tape off mouth Okay, okay...I'll take a nap!
(Buffy tries in vain to lower her left eyebrow, but it's stuck there)
Buffy: Oh mother warned me this would happen...

Join us next time when Al wakes up from his nap.

Wise Sage

**Do you have one of those questions that keeps you up
at night, wondering? Ask the Wise Sage!
email with your questions

Dear Wise Sage,

Is it true that girls are impressed by guys who can yo-yo?

The illegitimate son of Tommy Smothers.

P.S. I would have used the word "illegitimate", but I don't know how to
spell it.

Dear T.I.S.O.T.S.,

In most cases, a girl wouldn't be too impressed by a guy's yo-yoing
abilities. However, if a guy had a ferret that could do Ross Perot
impressions-- I'd venture to say that most girls would be impressed by

Wise Sage

Dear Wise Sage,

You know that word... what's that word... it starts with an A... Like
your taste in something...

Agnostic... no...
Athletic... no...

Can you figure out what word it is?

...the Grammatically Contorted

Dear Grammatically Contorted,

That is actually one of the lesser-known definitions of the word

Wise Sage

Fruit Bats in Your Toilet
**To see your original, funny stories, poems, ideas, or
whatever in this section, email


eener: Hmmmm.....lemme we have any urgent news for this week,
melvan: Umm....I don't think so...lemme think..........
eener: Naw, don't bother to think. Why don't you "tink" instead! It is
melvan: Eh?
eener: TINK!!!!! Aw...nevermind.

Dumb Poetry in a
Card Type Trash

Mental Hygiene
By eener & melvan
May 5, 1996

Today I bought some mental floss
And stuck it in my ear
It came right out the other side
And now I cannot hear
I then got in my little car
And tried my best to steer
To my chagrin into the road
There ran a stoopid deer!
I swerved and swerved and missed him but
I stripped the steenking gears
I swerved again, and Boom-de-boom!
I knocked a mailbox clear
Into Iowa, where all the corn
Blew into a pier
The farmer wipes away a tear
Sips a beer
And jumps off the pier
The end is near
The end is here
Do not fear
Sit on your rear
And turn that bug
Into a smear.


Come visit the Macheen Shed:

This document is copyright 1996 by Renee Elrod and Melissa Hoffmeyer,
except for the poems, stories, and letters sent by other people. Feel
free to distribute this document far and wide as long as it is not changed
in any way. FME reserves the right to edit any material sent in (in
regards to punctuation, spelling, content, AND bacon).

Um...why are you reading waaay down here? There's nothing down here, you

I told you...there is NOTHING of importance down here!!! Didn't you
believe me???

sigh You just must not believe me, huh??

Okay...I lied...look down further...there is something of importance...

something of importance

Have a nice day.



Page 4 of 8, totaling 80 entries