This morning I looked over my shoulder & saw a flash of bright green & orange, the colors the scooter mail carriers wear. He knocked on the door, and since I'm expecting a package from my mom, I thought it was that. But instead he held out a large yellow envelope and asked me to sign for it. The return address didn't look familiar, and it didn't have a NAME of a place on there, just the post office box in the city. So I signed, shut the door, and opened it, and out came one of those page protector things holding the birth certificates, marriage certificate, wedding invitation, and pictures we'd submitted to DIMIA for the visa application. Um, okay. That's it? So I looked back in the envelope to see if there was a letter or something explaining why they sent these back, and there was. And it states this:


I refer to your application for permanent residence and I am pleased to advise that the following person(s) included in your application have been granted a Partner (Temporary) (Class UK) Visa subclass 820 on 20 May 2004.


And a bunch of other stuff about working, social security, Medicare, etc.

So anyway. Bottom line, I'm legal for the next 2 years. And there was much rejoicing (yay).

Happy, happy, joy, joy.

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