Parody of "Lost the Plot" by the Newsboys (parody by Beldin & Weird Alex)

When you're crontab'd again

would you bring me something from the shell?

Hear a rumour that a split is near

But I just got super-opped here


Let's be blunt

Im a baddly de-synched

what do you want?

Ignores and Kick Bans

are all that Ive got

First I misplaced my password

then I lost the bot

Out amount the invisible clones

While the lamer's spam with their flood's

For a time we stuck to the channel

But they wouldnt let us kick the mug


Let's be blunt

Im a baddly dy-synched

what do you want?

Once we could hear you

Now our server is shot

We've forgotten out first join

we have lost the bot

When I signed on for the first time

you were typing just like me

and I knew my screen was dirty

And I dropped my space

Then you said I was a luser

and you welcomed me with actions

I was happy ever after

I was counting channel names

since Im waiting for you

When you comin' back again ?

We'll be ready for you

Maybe we'll op you when...

Maybe we'll op you when

You come back again


Let's be blunt.

We're a little unhelpfull

what do you want?

Are you still opping?

cause we're obviously not

We've forgotten that first op

We have lost the bot

And why you still msg'n?

you grossed!, we gfot!

Those server's are splitting

and we've lost the bot

lost the bot

When you're crontab'd again

would you bring me something from the shell?

Hear a rumour that a split is near

But I just got super-opped here

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