Parody of "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" by Al Green & Annie Lennox (parody by Weird Alex)

Please lend a helping hand

To the old factory man

Put a little gum in your cart

When you are bored and you

Need something there to chew

Put a little gum in your cart

And the world will be a better place

And the world will be a better place

For you and me

Just wait and see

Cause when you buy some gum

The world don't seem so glum

Put a little gum in your cart

Push the cart through the store

Just need that little more?

Put a little gum in your cart

And the world will be a better place

And the world will be a better place

For you and me

Just wait and see

You give supply and demand

A little helping hand when

You put a little gum in your cart

Economists smile

Their theories go that extra mile if you

Put a little gum in your cart

And the world will be a better place

And the world will be a better place

For you and me

You just wait and see!

Cuz you put a little gum in your cart

(Helped the capitalism thing)

Put a little gum in your cart

(Helped the workers buy some things)

Put a little gum in your cart...

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