Parody of "The Lament of Desmond R. G. Underwood-Frederick IV" by Steve Taylor (parody by FadeAway)

Dedicated to the IRC addicts of #bannerman

Oh, the news of the impending split

Came at a very bad time for me

Yeah, the news of the impending split

Any other day might have been OK

I was starting to join channels left and right

I was getting prepared for another big night

But when the servers start rumbling, do beware

Makes you feel like pulling out all o' your own hair

FadeAway, if I may be so deep

Chatting should never pre-empt your sleep

Undernet, Dalnet, it doesn't matter

If you must irc or eat, choose the latter


Oh the news of her impending /QUIT

Came at a really bad time for me

I was far too young to appreciate

The complexities of a cyber-date

I used colors so much that she typed "/me swoons"

I played too many wavs, so she left the room

Now I'm getting requests, and they all say "/HALT"

And I'm pretty sure this is my .. server's fault

FadeAway, if I may tell you something

Colors and wavs, they may count for nothing

Offer her {{hugs}} at your own discretion

Better get ready to learn your lesson


Oh the news of my impending /QUIT

Came at a really bad time for me

When they drop your account at the ISP

Tends to steal a bit of the old joie de vivre

I'd just gotten my nick on another page

'Cause I bravely revealed my true name and age

I had set up five channels all of my own

Until a still small voice screamed on the phone...:

"FadeAway, if you don't pay your fee

Gonna deny you your I-R-C

Then we'll get nickserv to drop your nicks

So you'd better get money to us by 6:00"

FadeAway, if I may be so deep

Chatting should never pre-empt your sleep

Undernet, Dalnet, it doesn't matter

If you must irc or eat, choose the latter

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