Parody of "Real Good Thing" by the Newsboys (parody by FadeAway)

When we see something being waved,

it's a big green thing, a big green thing

When we don't see what's being waved,

it's a big green thing, a big green thing

Lost your tissues, now you find

You need some way to clear your mind

Trim your hairs and toss your hanky

Wave your thing at all things skanky

Keen idea, the only thing er's

You lose respect when you use your fingers

When we see something being waved,

it's a big green thing, a big green thing

When we don't see what's being waved,

it's a big green thing, a big green thing

Friends are looking -- don't be seen

Waving something ... big and green

Honk and peek or pick a winner

Best have other plans for dinner

If the others give you grief

Better park it here on my handkerchief

When we see something being waved ...

author's note: what can I say? I had a sinus infection when I wrote it...)

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