And I want more. You can never have too much Tupperware.

I was looking at the Tupperware web site last night actually, and yes you can order online, if you're in the US or Canada, and possibly around the world too, but I didn't really look into it. But also, you can host an online Tupperware party. Apparently you just fill out an online form, put email addresses in of people you want to invite to your "party," and after it's finished (it runs for two weeks), you get a gift certificate based on the dollar amount your "guests" spent. Just imagine it: going to a Tupperware party where you don't run the risk of having to host one yourself as a door prize.

"So Mel, is all this to say you're going to have an online Tupperware party?" Maybe. Maybe not. Time will tell. But incidentally, if you do have any interest whatsoever in participating in one, drop me a note. I don't think I'd do it if I had less than ten people interested. If I had more...perhaps.

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