{mosimage}So it was a couple months ago when I started up my bread machine to make some pizza dough and it just...stopped. Right in the middle of the program. But then I'd had it for nearly five years, and it wasn't new when I bought it either. So it was bound to happen eventually.

Then a few weeks ago, I was in the Salvation Army shop in Salisbury and I saw two bread makers, each $35. I didn't buy one that day, but I filed it away for future reference. And then the other day I decided enough was enough, I wanted to make pizza again. So I went back, and these bread machines were now only $25. Even better. So I bought one. It didn't have a manual with it, but it was a more well known brand than the other one, so that's why I picked it.

And then I got it home, and was about to pull out the pan to wash it before I used it, and there's a very essential bit missing - the kneading blade. So no, I wasn't exactly happy.

Went to the Sunbeam website & asked them if I could get a replacement. They emailed back & said to check with my nearest service agent, so I looked back on the website to find the nearest one. Pooraka - only about 10 minutes away. So I emailed them, got a response back in a couple hours, and they had the part in stock, and it was only $16.50. So we had pizza for tea last night. Mmmmmm.

My old machine had five programs, all for bread or dough. The new one has eleven, including all the standard ones you'd expect, plus one for jam, pasta, cake, and even butter. I'm gonna have fun working it all out.

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