So I'm about halfway through this pregnancy, and so far I haven't really gained any weight. I do have a bump, though.

I still have no idea whether this baby might be a boy or girl, and it doesn't matter what we get in the end as long as he/she is healthy. The only possible indication of the baby's sex is a dream I had a few weeks ago, where I was watching my ultrasound (which I'm not actually having this time unless something weird happens) and the baby had some very obvious boy bits.

Names? Ha. There's only one that I really like, a girl's name, but there's a problem with it. It starts with C. And if we use it, everyone will think we're doing that trendy (tacky?) thing where you give all your kids names starting with the same letter, which we're definitely NOT doing. Still, we've got half a pregnancy plus 30 days past the birth to decide names, so there's really no rush.

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