It feels good to be able to keep on top of the housework again, AND do some stuff I enjoy doing. Still having the occasional nauseous day, but they're getting fewer & further between.

I made a purple t-shirt for Caleb out of one of my old shirts. He loves purple, and the holes in the armpits weren't worth fixing anymore. He loves it.

Thanks to my little garden helper, I now only have one cucumber plant left - the one in the hanging basket. I have five broccoli plants still making broccoli. This morning I ripped out a couple of the ones I'd cut down too far, so they weren't getting the side shoots they're supposed to get after the main head is cut off.

We're getting new tyres put on the back of our car tomorrow. I'm planning to keep the old ones and use them for my zucchini.

One of the dead branches on our apricot tree fell off this afternoon - right onto Caleb's sandpit. Lucky he wasn't playing in it at the time.

And...uh...I think that's everything. Now I need to go have a shower so I don't have to do it in the morning.

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