I think I'm doing better this year with my veggie gardening. Here's this week's report.

Carrots are sprouting.

Lettuce might be sprouting - should know for sure in a couple days.

Spring onions are sprouting.

Zucchini may be sprouting - again, I'll know in a couple days.

Mini greenhouse has nothing sprouting yet, but all the seeds in there say 10 days or more.

Cauliflower is looking a little limp, so I watered it twice today.

Broccoli is about the same as the cauliflower.

Strawberries are down to one plant out of the six I planted. That one is looking pretty good, though. I've still been watering the other five in the vain hope that something will still come of them.

The apricot tree and nectarine tree are starting to drop their petals now, and the leaves are coming out. The smaller apricot tree is looking pretty much dead, so at some point I think I'll rip it out. Same with the former peach tree, although that one needs a saw to come down, or a strong wind.

Our bottlebrush is finally blooming as well. And I finally got around to pulling all the weeds out of the flower patch next to the driveway, but all we have left there are pink flowers. Here's hoping the other colours (red, orange, maybe white & yellow?) come up again next year.

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