So I've got this grand dream of growing all my fruits & veggies at home, because I'm cheap. It's working okay for oranges & apricots, because those were here when we moved in. And it worked all right for peaches too, because we had those when we moved in, but that tree died last year. And last year I tried a veggie garden, but the only thing that came up was ONE rockmelon (canteloupe) seedling, which a bird ate. So as you can imagine, I wasn't too happy, and gave up fairly quickly. Hopefully not so this year. Here's some pictures of what I've done so far.

This is my new veggie patch. I dug it, edged it, AND planted it all in one day, on Wednesday. If you look close you might just see the clothes pegs marking the rows. Left to right: carrots, cos (Romaine) lettuce, spring onions, zucchini.

And this is a modified greenhouse in a shoebox. A friend on a forum told me how to do this. She said a clear plastic bag, but I didn't have any, and all they had across the road was some Glad wrap. So I took the shoe box and a couple egg cartons and away I went. Top carton: capsicum (peppers) and cucumber. Bottom carton: rockmelon & watermelon.

This, and the previous picture, I did this morning. Here we have some actual growth. I bought these seedlings at Big W the other day, total spur of the moment decision. Left to right: cauliflower, broccoli, strawberries.

And this is our nectarine tree. When we moved in it was much larger, but last spring, the wind knocked it over. There were a few little sprigs growing off the bottom that Darrin left when he chopped the rest of it down, and now they're flowering. Since the only essential difference between peaches and nectarines is one has fuzz and one doesn't, I can live with that.

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