So here it is, next week, and I'm back with more. First I'll just expand on the things I posted about last week, when I didn't have time to write more than a few words.

1. This week's catch phrase: "All done."

Caleb's favourite new phrase. And it's almost every day at this point he says a new word. He's also loving his new sandpit we put together for him, but still not quite understanding that he's supposed to leave Mum's veggies in the ground.

2. Disappearing carrots, holey crucifers, a rogue pumpkin, and stone fruit.

I have no idea what happened to my carrots, whether it was birds, weather, or the 18 month old demolition squad, but there's only one left, and I'm not even sure anymore that it's a carrot.

And something has been eating my cauliflower & broccoli leaves (both members of the 'crucifer' group of vegetables, along with cabbage). And right in the middle of my crucifers is a pumpkin seedling from seeds I planted LAST YEAR. Yep. Although after our weekend away, there's a big chunk missing from one of the leaves. I'm hoping it doesn't bother the plant too much.

And our nectarine tree actually has some fruit on it! I don't think it'll give us more than a few, because the branches aren't really strong enough yet, but it's a good sign that all things are working.

3. Expanded range and first sale.

Ah yes. On my way home from the Homebirth Network coffee morning a couple Fridays ago, I decided at the last minute I'd go to Rainbow Tree, one of the shops that had my nappies. I got there, and I only saw one of the two on the shelf, so I asked about it, and yes, one had indeed been sold! Also, I've ordered a bunch of new fabric so I can make new colours and a smaller size in addition to the one I already had. Plus, I'm supposed to be finishing an order of five small nappies for my chiropractor before tomorrow evening, so maybe I should get off the computer and do that....

4. Roadtrip!

Could've been better, could've been worse. I'll talk about it in another post.

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