I found this online auction site for baby products a few months ago. At the time I didn't really see anything interesting, but I'd pop in now & then to see what was there.

And then a couple weeks ago I saw somebody selling Baby Beehinds cheap...and it's all gone downhill from there. We had two new Beehinds that I bought on eBay a few months ago; we now have five with another four on the way. I couldn't help myself. They're used, but I'm not bothered by that. A good wash and a day in the sun will kill anything that might be left behind.

I don't even wanna give the URL out for fear that somebody else will beat me to the bargains. Now that's pathetic.

Okay. www.buyforbaby.com.au

Oh yes, and I'm never using disposables again. Even on trips, now that we have all these fitted ones, and wool covers and things, there's not much need. The only time I can envision using disposables is if we were to lose our minds and try another 10-hour trip to Port Lincoln (or somewhere of similar distance) with an 11 week old baby.

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