So I was surfing around MySpace today (yeah, I know I said I wouldn't sign up again, but I did, because I have a friend or two who blog there & have their blogs set private). And going through people's friends lists, and found Lost Dogs, and Terry Scott Taylor, and Swirling Eddies, and Randy Stonehill...

It's been so long since I bought any music other than Weird Al that I didn't realise that any of them might have new stuff out. I thought all my favourite artists had quit recording, but no, the Lost Dogs have at least two more albums since the last one I bought. Heck, I haven't even been to Koorong (local Christian bookstore) in about two years, maybe longer. So I don't even know if they'd be stocked here, but I'm guessing not.

Yeah, so basically anybody who wants to get on my good side, just send me any CDs by those artists released after 2003, and you'll make me VERY happy.

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