Yep, so the baby's asleep, and I have a little time to do whatever I want, and today just happens to be one of those days where I don't feel like doing ANYTHING. Except watch Heroes. But I'm not, because Darrin would throw me out of the house if I started up again without him. But he's not addicted, oh no. Just ask him.

Anyway, yeah. Don't feel like reading, or sewing, or knitting, or playing computer games, or anything really. But I ended up bringing in the washing & putting it all away because I figured if I didn't do it now, I wouldn't be able to later. And I had lunch. And looked up some information online about Heroes. And stumbled across some spoilers which I ran away from screaming because I don't want to ruin the next six episodes I haven't seen yet. And all I can say is, those screen writers & producers & everyone better get things rolling, because if they've left us hanging after episode 11, I'm gonna pull a Jessica.

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