In my defense, I was seriously dehydrated yesterday and really suffering from the heat wave this week. Ended up going to bed with a headache around 4pm, throwing up around 7pm, and not falling asleep till 2am, then waking up just before 7am very sore from being in bed for fifteen hours. I'm still getting over that part of it, but at least the headache is gone.

But the cool change came through last evening, so today was much better. Got caught up on the dishes & nappies, and we all took the train into the city this morning and did a little shopping, had lunch, did more shopping, bought some really nice donuts, and came back home.

And I finished those nappies I mentioned the other day. We now have six travel nappies (on a normal trip out we only ever tend to use one or two, so that's good for a couple days at least).

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