Christmas 2009.

By that time, we will have paid off our personal loan (actually around the start of February 2009 assuming we don't make any extra payments), so we'll have an extra $250 a fortnight. Also by this time Caleb will be nearly three years old, and hopefully using the toilet. By this time I also may be pregnant again, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

The options are as follows: fly into LA, stay a night there to get our bearings, and hire a car to sightsee along the way to Wisconsin (and visit a few people along the way, only I don't remember if anyone other than Renee & Darin or Rachel & Josh are really "on the way"); fly directly into Minneapolis and still hire a car so we can drive around a little while we're there (say, to visit Northie in southern Minnesota, Scott, Pam, and others in the Twin Cities area, Alex in Manitoba, Opie in Illinois with a stop off in Madison to see Beth & Josh & Ava, and who knows where else, depending how far we're prepared to drive); do a round-the-world trip and stop off in London to visit Dave & Lynelle (who are leaving Adelaide tomorrow to go to the UK for several years). Depends what's cheapest.

So Pam, if you're reading this, keep New Year's Eve that year free. ;-)

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