I do, however, have some goals for the year, and it's easier to remember how long it's been if I start them on the first of a month.

  1. Blog every day, even if it's just a one-liner.
  2. Stop eating so much sugar that I give myself headaches.
  3. Drink enough water. This means at least 3 litres a day, more in hot weather.
  4. Finish sewing the other two nappies I have pieces cut out for. And slowly, over time, sew enough fitted ones that we can use the flat terry squares just as backups & clean-up rags. I'll probably also buy a few more Baby Beehinds when I can afford them. They're great overnight.
  5. Do more op shopping. Hard to do with a baby, but heaps cheaper.
  6. Finally buy a side of beef or lamb from a good butcher, now that we have a freezer it'll fit in.

Now, I have a list of things to blog about in the next few days. These include:

  • Caleb's first Christmas
  • Tentative plans for our next USA trip

So which one do you wanna hear about first? Post in the comments.

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