So yesterday I decided to put Caleb in the sling and go shopping. I got out to the bus stop with about a minute to spare. This bus stop is serviced by two routes. One, the 404/405, is the one that goes to Hollywood Plaza. The other is the 224/224F, which goes to the city. Both these buses happen to go past this stop at about the same time, around five minutes before the hour every hour. And since they go completely different places, you'd think they should both stop at this stop, right?

Heh. Yeah, so did I. As the 224F was pulling over to pick up passengers, the 405 CHANGED LANES and went straight past the other bus, the bus stop, and at least one passenger - me - who wanted to catch it. Thanks, Mr. Moronic Driver.

So in the space of a few seconds I have to make a decision. My bus has just left me in the lurch. I REALLY wanted to go to Hollywood because I like the fruit & veg shop there, and I wanted to go to Target and see if they have some bath toys that I can use to distract Caleb from splashing all the water out of the bath and onto me. (And there's a nice bakery there, but that's beside the point.) So I could a) wait for the next bus, or b) walk.

Option A has a major problem with it. The 404/405 buses only run once every hour. Um, huh? Come on, I know it's not Elizabeth or Parabanks, but Hollywood is a pretty serious shopping centre in the area. What's with having a bus only go past once an hour?

And option B has a problem with it as well. I've done the walk before; I've even done it pregnant. It's only about 3 km, so I could get there in about half an hour. But the temperature at 10 am yesterday was already 29 C. And sure, I had shorts & a t-shirt on, but I also had a 9 kilogram baby strapped to my body. And besides, I'd get there about fifteen minutes before the return bus left Hollywood, and have to either rush my shopping, or spend an extra hour there trying to find ways to kill time.

So what do you do when you have two options and they both suck? Find a third option. I got on the 224F and went to Foodland instead. At least they have enough sense to run that one half-hourly (even though it should be every 15 minutes).

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