It occurred to me last night at work that weddings are kinda unfair. And I'm not talking about how the bride & bridesmaids have to buy their dresses while the groom & groomsmen get to rent their tuxes, although there's that aspect too. I'm talking about the fact that getting married, committing yourself to another person for the rest of your life is a very personal thing. So what do we do when people want to get married? Make a big production out of it. Turn it into a big public event (or, in my case, a small public event, but a public event nonetheless). And what do we say of people who elope? They're cowards, they're ashamed of being together, they didn't think enough of their family and friends to have them present at the most important event of their life.

Did anyone ever stop to think that maybe some of them are just introverts who don't like being at the center of everyone's attention?

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