Yeah. So. I got a sewing machine, courtesy of Darrin's mum's friend. Was only a couple weeks after Caleb was born, and I had plans for making stuff, but was too swamped under with the whole having a new baby thing. But once I got used to that, I got the machine out and started sewing nappies. Yes, nappies. The first couple I made were just a whole bunch of towelling & flannel and weren't very good. The next two were pocket nappies using the same pattern, and were better, but I still wasn't totally happy with them. But last week I did three like this one:

And then a day or so later, I was in Big W and found some polar fleece remnants and got one of them, thinking I could make some covers (6 of them) for the regular flat nappies we've been using since Caleb was born. They just need some hook & loop (think Velcro) to fasten the tabs down (which I don't have yet, at least not the right colour...they'd look pretty silly with bright green closures on pale yellow fleece):
But the flat nappies don't really hold that much moisture by themselves, so I decided to make some boosters for them with a cut-up nappy and some flannel (had enough fabric to do 7):

So that's what I've been up to. I'm getting better at it too, which is to be expected after lots of practice.

And how do these compare with flat nappies alone? Pretty good, actually. I'd say either option (a green one or a flat with a booster) lasts about as long as a disposable would. Which just about solves our nappies-while-out issue.

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