Sort of. Depends on your perspective.

First of all, my flights (at least the Qantas ones) are changed and booked. Flight numbers and times and everything are on the itinerary page.

And secondly, I just checked Qantas's web page to find out what movies are playing on the flight, and of the seven, six I've heard of, four I've seen (and liked all of them). The ones I have seen: Pirates of the Carribean, Finding Nemo, Matrix Reloaded, and Bruce Almighty. The two others I've heard of are Legally Blonde 2 and Johnny English, and I've been told the latter is funny and the former probably is because its predecessor was. The only one I haven't heard of is an Australian movie called The Night We Called it a Day.

But anyway, I won't be bored to tears like the last flight, where I tried so hard to fall asleep and couldn't, even though I'd taken sleeping pills. Engines are too loud. And I honestly tried to watch Just Married and Kangaroo Jack, but the more I saw of them, the dumber they looked, so I watched the flight map & details most of the time I had my screen turned on.

And the Weird Al concert is TOMORROW NIGHT. 7th row. A far cry from the nosebleed seats I had last time I saw him.

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