How long after we move out of it is the rear flat of 125 Glynburn Road, Glynde, going to get knocked down for townhouses?

My guess: six months.

So today we went to see the real estate agent and signed the paper that says we're moving the settlement date up by a week. So we should be able to get the keys sometime after noon on the 15th. And we had a couple questions about the house, so he said, "Do you want to go have a look again?" So we said yes. And we got to experience for ourselves just how good a job the air conditioners do of cooling the house. The temperature today was 35 C/95 F, and we walked in, and it felt a little warm, but really not bad. And he turned both the coolers on, and within minutes even that warmness was gone from the two rooms they service. Even the back of the house, which faces north (and remember, folks, we're in the southern hemisphere so the sun's in the north), didn't feel hot. So we must have some pretty good insulation in the house.

We saw two bits of fence that'll need attention at some point, because they're falling over a bit. And the tap for the rainwater is in the laundry room. And there's only ONE power point in the soon to be computer room. But that's okay, we have an electrician in the family. :-)

The big shed is smaller than I remembered, and the little shed is bigger, so it all comes out pretty even. And we definitely have an orange tree, and a lemon tree, and as for the other fruit trees, I don't think they're all apricots. Unless there's two different varieties of apricot - one with fuzzy skin, one with smooth skin. Otherwise I think some might be peaches or nectarines. Whatever they are, they need a drink. It's been a dry year.

Oh. And that doorbell has GOT TO GO. A simple "ding-dong" is fine. But this one plays Brahms Lullaby. And it goes on forever. And it's not exactly at a soothing volume, either. I think it was meant to wake the dead.

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