Not like we didn't know it already, what with my bump getting larger, but it's still nice to hear it. He (or she) must've been napping this time, and trying to hide, but Lisa persisted and we got to hear a few beats.

What else...umm...I'm sure I was going to say something but I can't remember it now. Gives me an excuse to post later, I guess.

There is this though. We have finally managed to save the $1000 that Homestart wants to see before we apply for and get approved for a home loan. And there was much rejoicing (yay). Wait, I used that line already in the last week.... Yeah, so we just have to pay off our current personal loan and Visa card at our old bank with a new personal loan at our new bank, and we'll be all set, and all our accounts will be under one roof again. Hooray. And then I get to go house hunting on the weekends, while Darrin stays home and plays Quake. ;-)

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