There's a post on a forum I read about Chia seeds. Apparently Chia seeds are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids (the kind that's in fish oil). Which prompted me to look up whether or not Chia Pets ever came to Australia. I still haven't found the answer, but I did find this. And you'd think I was having a nightmare or something, how I kept saying "No! No! No!" over and over again.

Note to whoever has never heard of Chia Pets: They're a clay thing, and you basically spread a seed paste over it, water it regularly, and it sprouts "hair." The first one was the Chia Pet, then they did the Chia Head, Chia Kitten, Chia Puppy, Chia Rabbit, Chia Everything! I don't think I've ever known anyone who actually had one, except maybe my grandma, but they're selling like hotcakes, and have been for, I dunno, 20 years?

Note to Mom: don't bother trying to send one; with the seeds in there it wouldn't get past quarantine. Not to mention we may never speak to you again if you did ;-)

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