We just finished watching Return of the Jedi on TV. Special edition, of course, since that's the only one they're showing/selling now. But when it got to the end, with Luke seeing the ghosts of Anakin & Yoda & Obi-Wan, it wasn't the original Anakin, who was played by David Prowse. Nope, they had to stick Hayden Christensen in there...for what reason, I can't figure out.

I mean, sure, we all know he played the younger version of Anakin, but look, he DID get older. Luke & Leia were supposed to be what, around 20 years old in the original trilogy? So tell me why it's no longer sufficient to have a 40-something guy playing Anakin for that ONE BRIEF MOMENT, when he was probably a 40-something guy when he died?

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