Darrin just noticed that I hadn't posted anything in eleven days. So here we go. The last eleven days in a nutshell. For reasons of brevity and boredom prevention, this is just the stuff I did apart from work, sleep, and boring everyday things.

Friday 2 December: Darrin & I helped Josh break in his new extended Lord of the Rings DVD set. Continued into Saturday.

Sunday 4 December: Went to Fasta Pasta for lunch. Went to JB Hi-Fi & bought Red Dwarf 7. Spent the rest of the day watching it.

Monday 5 December: Watched Mythbusters. Not much else.

Tuesday 6 December: Went shopping at Tea Tree Plaza. Went to work. Came home. Went out to Genghis for tea.

Wednesday 7 December: Not much. Nothing I can remember, anyway.

Thursday 8 December: Went to Darrin's brother's 27th birthday party. Finally met his girlfriend after hearing about her for a year.

Friday 9 December: Saw the new Harry Potter movie.

Saturday 10 December: Went grocery shopping. Did a lot of baking.

Sunday 11 December: Was 38 degrees. Stayed inside all day watching Firefly, till around 6:30 when we got hungry & tried out a new chicken shop. It's ok, but I like our usual one better.

Monday 12 December: The "change" came through sometime in the early morning. You could tell by the way the ground was all wet from the rain. Watched an episode of Veronica Mars because I'd heard it was good. I guess it's good, but the episode didn't really grab me.

Tuesday 13 December: Out to Genghis again. Not a lot else.

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