I'm going to Australia again.

I read a page last fall about a program which allows Americans (and people from a few other countries) to work in Australia for up to 4 months. I thought it was a neat idea, but no way was I gonna apply to work there till I'd actually seen the country. And then I went in October to visit for 11 days, I liked it. And when I got back, it was cold, and my job sucked, and my 15-year-old dog had died while I was gone, and my car had a flat tire, and I wanted to go back. I did some math and figured out that I could indeed afford to go on this program if I really worked at it.

So I sent my application on a Friday in January, received an affirmative reply after the weekend was over, mailed in my visa application with supporting documents and my passport the first week of March, and received all my materials, including my passport with a big visa sticker on page 10 authorizing me to work from June 19, 2003 until October 19, 2003, two days ago. So everything's official now, except I still have to pay off a credit card and buy a few supplies for the trip (mostly stuff for my laptop, like a new CD-ROM drive, modem, and possibly a spare battery). Anyone interested in my itinerary can go look at it. All that's there right now is flight information. Probably won't be much more than that for quite a while, since I don't know where I'll be working or what hours or even what kind of job.

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