1. Roasts. Put big chunk of meat into pan. Season if desired. Cover pan with a lid or aluminum foil. Leave it in a 300 F/150 C oven for about an hour per pound/500 grams.

2. Soup. Throw meat, veggies, spices, whatever into a big pot. Fill with water. Cook till done.

3. Chicken pieces. Put chicken pieces on a baking sheet (parchment paper is a good idea if it isn't or used to be a non-stick sheet). Sprinkle with chicken salt. Cook about an hour at 400 F/200 C.

4. Lamb or pork chops. Fry. Eat.

5. Water. Pour into glass and drink.

6. My favourite at the moment: hot chocolate. Put about 1 teaspoon of regular cocoa in a normal sized cup/mug. Fill halfway with boiling water. Stir. Fill the rest of the way with cream or milk. Add about 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla and sweetening to taste.

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