No particular reason for this post. I just decided I should probably post SOMETHING.

Internode has received our application for the speed increase, and we don't know when it'll happen till it happens, and all our connections drop out.

We went orienteering on Sunday at Black Hill conservation park in Athelstone. My course was 3.3 kilometres (just over 2 miles) and had a couple nasty steep sections. So today my legs hurt. You'd think a tomboy who grew up in the country with a big hill behind her house wouldn't have a problem climbing hills....

I'm making a loaf of bread.

I thought when I first went low carb that my Achilles' heel would be chocolate, but it's POTATOES. Especially greasy chicken-salty chips (fries) from our favourite chicken shop. I explain this by the fact that there are several kinds of sugar free chocolate available, but as yet no low carb potatoes or potato substitute.

The IRS sent back the card that says they've received my tax return. Still no deposit in my bank account though.

Just heard that very soon there will be a brown sugar Splenda available, at least in the US. Probably be another 6 months to a year before I can find it here. This AFTER the company announced it wouldn't be increasing production for a couple years due to not being able to keep up with the demand...what gives there?

There's a little kitty sitting right in front of my screen purring her head off.

I've made a decision: anyone from overseas who comes to visit us (Darrin and me) will be taken to the Hog's Breath Cafe one night. These guys have the BEST steaks of any restaurant I've eaten steak at.

That's all for now.

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