So the three times I visited this house before we moved in, I didn't remember seeing any council bins (trash and recycling collection bins). I asked the agent if they would be ordered for us or if we'd have to do it ourselves. She said we'd have to do it. No worries.

So I filled out the online form asking for bins for a new property, because it was the best link I could find related to my request. They told me their records said the property already had bins, so check when I got here and if we didn't have any, they'd send them out. No worries.

So then we moved in, and there were no bins (as I suspected). I rang the waste management authority and asked to have some delivered. They said they'd be here later that week. No worries.

Thursday came and went, and no bins. I rang them again. They said we'd been given the wrong date, and now we wouldn't get bins till the 4th of January. Ugh. Well, ok, if we know they're coming then, we'll put up with it.

The 4th of January arrived. We were also getting our air conditioning installed that day so mostly focused on that. But by the time the guys left at 3 pm or so, we still didn't have bins. So I rang them again.

The response? "Your bins will be delivered on Thursday." That's it. No apology, just a statement, and they were on to the next caller.

Seriously?! This was the third date I'd been given. Every time the bins didn't arrive, and I rang up to find out where they were, and was told another date. I was over it. We had a dozen bags of trash in the back yard, and piles of recyclables. Some of it, like the cardboard, I could pack into the car and drop off. But the rest either wasn't drop off-able, or cost money to do it. It didn't seem right that I should have to pay to drop off a load of rubbish when THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BRING THE BINS 2 WEEKS AGO!

So I wrote a nice long explanatory email to both the council AND the waste management company. I told them that we're a family of 6 who just moved in, had no bins, and the rubbish was piling up. And said that a drop off voucher would probably solve the problem.

A friend was nice enough to offer me space in her soccer club's bins, so we got rid of some of it that night. But that only took care of 4 bags. We still had another 10 or so in the back yard. And stuff was blowing across the yard too.

So the next day, I put all the cardboard I could into my car, along with my 10c returns, and dropped all those off. It helped a bit, but there were still the 10 bags of rubbish.

Later in the day I had a reply from the council stating that yes, my bins were on the roster for Thursday, and the manager had given permission for me to drop off a car boot load of rubbish. Yay.

So Thursday, Caleb and I dropped off 8 bags of rubbish at the waste transfer station. Conveniently this place is only 5 minutes away and basically on the way to anywhere we would need to go, so it's easy to take stuff in when we're going somewhere.

The rest of the rubbish went straight into the red rubbish bin when they were finally dropped off. And the recycling bin got filled right up too. Bin day here is Friday, so they've been emptied already and we've still got more to put in the recycling bin, but at least now we can manage it.

You don't tend to think about your bins that often, but believe me, you don't want to NOT have them!

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