I just had the BEST eye exam I've ever had in my life.

Firstly, most of my previous visits to the optometrist included having a machine blow air in each eye and having drops put in to dilate my pupils, which makes your eyes feel like gravel and makes it impossible to focus on anything other than a television for several hours afterward. This time, this did not happen. I am very happy about this.

And secondly, the frames I have now have had one of the bows fall off twice in the last few months. I've had them glued back together both times, but it's time for new ones anyway. So I've wandered into a few shops to look at frames, not really finding anything great, just a few that'd be okay. So my plan after getting my eyes checked was to take my prescription to another shop, where I'd seen last year's frames advertised for FREE if you buy lenses. Well. I mentioned the fact that I'd been looking elsewhere to the optometrist, and he wrote my prescription & gave it to me. And we left the exam room and he talked to the lady at the desk (who turned out to be the manager of the shop) and told her I'd been looking other places. So she goes into sales mode (it wasn't THAT bad, really) and starts showing me frames. So I tried on a few and kinda liked a couple. And finally she says "Okay, if you pick one of these three I'll give you the frames and lenses for $100." This after she'd told me the cost of the polycarbonate lenses would be $190 something, and all the frames I'd seen were AT LEAST $100 (most of them more like $230). Hey, now who am I to argue with a deal like that? :-)

So I think I'll continue to go to this place, even if we do move to Mount Pleasant. I'd be crazy not to.

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