Because I haven't been able to post for so long, I'm catching up. So here's a few more things to tell you all.

Darrin's gotten the second week in September off work, for a big roadtrip to & from Canberra. We may even hit Melbourne on our way back & do Caleb's American citizenship stuff if it'll all work.

Little Para Pants has also been Wordpressed. And it's got a nice little online shop plugin, so somebody go buy something! Still keeping the Etsy shop open as well, because it's cheap advertising. I've got new nappies on display in both shops, and have more fabric on order, and waiting on a couple nappy samples from someone who sells them & wants me to design a new nappy with features from both of those. So I've got plenty to do.

And I don't think I mentioned that I'm a sponsor of next month's Great Down Under Nappy Hunt, so now I have.

How are we doing...well, that's the million dollar question, isn't it? And you'll get a million different answers, at least from me, depending on when you ask. Overall though, it's sort of a rollercoaster - sometimes up, sometimes down, and you never know how long the up is going to last before something gets triggered. Physically though, I was feeling as good at two weeks post-Ian as I was at three MONTHS post-Caleb. And it seemed almost wrong in a way, what with everything else spinning out of control.

There are apparently people out there (though I haven't run into any of them yet) who would say to just get over it & move on, but you know what? You don't get over something like this. Sure, it heals over time, but just like with a broken leg that heals, a change in the weather or a bump in the wrong way will make it ache again.

The garden. In the last couple weeks I've done a lot. I was going to just give up on the stuff I planted before Ian was born, but then I saw new leaves forming, so I thought I'd mulch around them & see how they go. And now I've planted potatoes, and strawberry plants, and an apple tree & an almond tree. This morning I started off some seeds in egg cartons again - capsicum, lettuce, and celery. And peas in a planter box. And in a few days (when I find some room in the garden) I'll put some carrots in too. Or, hmm, I've got a big plant pot that would be deep enough for good sized carrots. Might do them in there.

What's up with Caleb? Full sentences. Empathy. Trains. Thomas. More Thomas. Still more Thomas. Warning: cute kid story ahead!

A couple weeks ago Caleb & I were out shopping. I'd bought some donuts, and gave him one (which he only ate a little of), and I had one, and I dropped the last bit of it on the ground. So I picked it up, put it in a bin nearby, and came back to Caleb in the shopping trolley. And right away he lifts his arms up to hug me, and goes "Aw poor Mum, sorry Mum, Mum ok?"

Every time we go into a shop now, he's on the lookout for Thomas. When he first got into it, he'd spy something halfway down an aisle and say "Thomaaaaaas!" excitedly. Now, of course, he just remembers where ALL the Thomas things are, ALL over the store, and tells me how to get to them.

Okay, it's bedtime. Gotta put my iced tea in the fridge before I go off though.

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