Just so you don't think I'm slacking off...

Not much happening. Well, except my download is gone because the fileserver crashed in the middle of it. Could be my download caused it, but we don't really know.

And...umm...not much else really. Well, not completely true, but the other thing that's happening, I don't want to say anything about it just yet because then I'll be expected to give updates as soon as they happen, and I don't feel like being pressured just now. So there.


Got sick, and I mean REALLY sick, of my web page taking ages to load every time, so I took a bit off the sides. Let me know if it's significantly faster for you. I think it is for me, but hey, I have a 100M connection to the server it's on...


Not many people may know this, but you CAN still post comments on this website. You just have to click the title of the post and you'll get a comment form at the bottom. So comment away, but I still reserve the right to delete anything that's stupid.

Mambo is pathetic.

Well, it is. Takes ages to load the stinking page, even though it's on a server IN OUR HOUSE. And when I'm reordering items in the admin section, they don't always reorder. I'll click on the "up" arrow to move something up and it doesn't move. Then I do it again and it still doesn't move. So I do it a third time and it jumps up three places all at once.

Pathetic, I tell you.


I'd like to share with you an email I received the other day.

Hello my name is [withheld to protect privacy]. I am seeking out possible link partners that our
visitors would be interesting in visiting. I've found your website to be a very good fit
for our visitors. I have already gone ahead and added your link www.melvania.org.

to our website at:

[link withheld to protect privacy]

I am contacting you to see if it is ok to have done so. Also, I would like to ask if
you mind linking back to us? If so, please use the linking details below and send
me the location of our link on your website.

We've contacted several PR6 and 7 websites, so we expect this site to become at least a
PR5 within 1 month and will eventually become a 6 or 7 in 2-3 months.

I hope this can be a way for us to benefit our visitors with excellent content. Hope
to hear from you soon.

Okay. So here's the thing. I had a look at this site, and it looks like a legitimate site. They DID link to me, and the site is what it says it is. But it's not really a very good one, as far as sites of this type go. I've seen better ones.

So what's the problem? Well, there isn't really a problem. It's just weird to get an email like this. Especially when I've never even HEARD of PR5, PR6, PR7, and the like. So you just want me to link to your site so you get hits, is that it? Why would I link to your site when a) I don't know you, b) I don't care if I get lots of hits or not, and c) your site isn't even that good to begin with?

Let me just clarify. I don't care who links to my site. I don't care who reads it. I don't care who posts comments. I really don't. But if you want to try to use my site to make yours more popular, you won't get anywhere. Heck, even if you do get your coveted PR7 spot, it won't last. These things never do.


1. The "We're aunties" line in the last entry was kind of a joke. We had a niece so we're aunties. If we'd had a nephew, we'd be uncles. See?

2. Yes, this site was targeted again last week. I never saw the "weird page" that they put on instead, but Darrin said it was just some guys bragging about being able to get in. They didn't really do any damage. Things are (obviously) fixed again. Now I realise they didn't do any harm and they're just showing off, and that showing off is an essential part of male-ness, but personally I think when it gets to breaking people's things it's a bit too far.

3. The Mambo book module I installed at the start of the move has a new version which actually works. So you know I'll be putting all our books/DVDs/CDs into the database over the next few weeks.

4. For some reason the archives module is showing up on most pages but not the front page. Have looked in the configuration and can't figure out why this is. Still, it's at least partly working now, which is better than not at all.

5. Merry Christmas. Late for Australia, but no matter.


Okay, so maybe you're wondering why you just got three or ten emails from the site saying "Thanks for your comments" when you don't remember posting any...

That'd be because I just moved all of the comments from the old site to the new site, and I had to enter email addresses, and didn't realize it was emailing everyone...

So that's why. Guess I should've thought about that earlier.


It's finished. Well, nearly so anyway. The only thing left to move over is the books, and I only haven't done that because the books thing on THIS site isn't working yet. But I'll figure something out.

New comments module installed today. For some reason the link doesn't show on the front page; it only shows up if you go to the article's page. I'll look at fixing that too.

Tomorrow, perhaps, if I can think of anything, I'll post something nice & profound. But right now it's 11:08 pm, and I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep. Nite.

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