Here we go again.

That's right, it's time to rant about Adelaide Metro again.

Recently (as in Sunday the 13th) they changed a lot of their timetables again, and added new routes, and replaced some old ones. Every year or year and a half or so they do this. Which is fair enough, since the city tends to change over time, and what worked a year ago may not work now.

So I was looking through the changes today, and I noticed a new route numbered 126. I thought, well, the 12x buses go down The Parade in Norwood, so this must be another Parade bus. And didn't really think anything of it, till I got further down the list to the 17x buses. And noticed the 176 has now been replaced by the 126. Hmm, so this is interesting. The 176 is one of the ones I used to catch when I lived in Campbelltown in the middle of 2003 while here on a working holiday visa. It's also one of the ones Darrin used to have to walk a kilometre to catch to get to Paradise and the T500 to work before he/we had a car.

So I opened up the route map for the new 126, and lo and behold, it does go up The Parade. And turns onto Glynburn Road, right past our old house. And then onto Lower North East Road (aka the Lower NeRD...there's also a NeRD and a Main North Road and a South Road...Adelaide was really creative when they named their roads), where it then takes the same path the 176 used to take, up Heading Avenue past the North Eastern Community Hospital, up to Newton Road past the shops there with the Foodland & Target, and up to Paradise.

Great! This is an incredibly useful bus route! My only problem with it is this:

Why the heck didn't they put this route in about FIVE YEARS AGO? Do you know how much time that would've saved us? Do you know how much more often I would've been able to go shopping? I could've caught it to The Parade and gone shopping there instead of going into the city (okay, so there's Darrell Lea in the city, but sometimes I didn't want to go there...who am I kidding? I always went there). I could've caught it to Paradise and transferred to a bus to Tea Tree Plaza. I could've caught it to Foodland to do grocery shopping (because they tend to be cheaper than the other supermarket chains).

Not to mention the eight years or so Darrin was living in Glynde, working in Salisbury, and didn't have a car. Okay, so he likes a good walk (otherwise he wouldn't do orienteering) but in some weather it's just not pleasant.

End rant...for now.

They're a little big.

But luckily since the nappy cover pants are made of wool, hopefully now that I've washed them in a hot wash they'll shrink a bit.

What happened was I used knitting needles I already had instead of the right size ones. And now I'm knitting another pair with hopefully the correct size. It's a bit trial-and-error when I knit, since I tend to knit looser than most patterns assume, therefore I need smaller needles to get the same size stitches. And honestly I can't understand HOW anyone can knit tighter than I do and still fit needles into the loops.

Ha! Just made it.

It's 11:33 pm and I just got out of bed to see if I could post before midnight.

So Caleb had his first kinda meal tonight. We decided the other day that it was probably time to start giving him his own dish since he's so forceful in trying to grab ours. So I set up the high chair in the lounge, put some food in his bowl (we had beef schnitzel & mashed potato tonight - I scraped the coating off the schnitzel so he just had the meat), and off he went. And yeah, he made a mess everywhere, and only about a tenth of it got into his mouth, but that's to be expected. He had fun anyway.

We have a heap of pictures on the camera that I'll try to remember to upload tomorrow.

And...tonight I finished knitting a wool nappy cover. Wool is nice for many reasons. It's a natural fibre so it absorbs moisture, but it doesn't feel wet for ages, and it doesn't smell till it's been used for a long time. At least that's what I've read. In a day or two we'll find out. It's currently in a bucket in the laundry room being lanolised, I'll dry it tomorrow, and maybe by tomorrow night or Wednesday morning I'll be able to try it out. And blog the results, of course.

What was I gonna post about today? Can't remember; I'll just wing it.

So I set my sewing machine up in the Long Room the other day. Until now it was sitting on a shelf in the dining room, and I'd move it to the table when I wanted to use it. Until a couple months ago, this worked just fine. And then Caleb started crawling. So putting the foot pedal on the floor out in plain view really isn't an option anymore unless I want my fingers sewed into whatever I'm making.

Now I've got it on a corner computer desk we had just sitting in the spare room. There's a little footrest area at the bottom of the desk, so I can put the pedal either on it or under it. Either way, Caleb still tries to play with it, but at least now if I need to (and Darrin's home to keep an eye on him) I can shut the door.

Ah yes, and Caleb had his first real taste of lamb last night. He had a nice big chunk from one of Darrin's chops and chewed on it longer than he chews on most things (okay, so part of that is due to the fact it's a tougher texture than most other things he's had, but still, if he hadn't liked it, he would've left it on the floor for a cat).

Right, and the other thing I think I was going to mention is that I think I've become addicted to Heroes (the tv show). I've only watched the first three episodes because that's all we have at the moment, but those three were enough to make me want more. I just hope this series doesn't suffer the same fate as most of the other shows I've gotten into in the last few years.... I mean, really, is it my fault that I like GOOD shows, rather than mediocre ones?

This week at the op shops...

I only went to the Salvos & Vinnies today but I still came away with some bargains. I've been getting really sick of only having three pairs of shorts that fit, so I specifically looked for shorts. Found two pairs for me and one pair for Darrin, plus another wooden toy car for Caleb. Then I went to a secondhand book shop and found a book on using sign language with babies for $7 (the tag on the back had the original price - over $40).

And then we went meat shopping and came home, because I'm waiting for someone to pick up something I posted on Freecycle. I sent out an email, and within half an hour everything had been spoken for except the base for our old bed. So it looks like that's going on the hard rubbish pile when we organise a trailer sometime, along with the old mattress and the old vacuum. And who knows what else we'll find. We're allowed a trailer load a year at 4ft wide x 7ft long x 5ft high.


Teeth, that is. His 8th one popped out overnight when I thought yesterday it would still be a couple more weeks.

Now, if he keeps following the same timetable I did with my teething (like he has been - the first two teeth especially he was the same age as I was, almost to the day), we should have a nice little break till about April. And then it'll be two a month all winter.

And in the last couple weeks, he's tried cheese, bacon (from a Hungry Jack's burger so it's really more like ham), rockmelon, fish, and cow's milk. The fish & cheese have been his favourites out of that list.

He's gotten to the point where if we're eating, he gets very upset with us if we don't share. So we give him a little bit, and he sucks on it, chews on it a bit, goes "nyum nyum nyum" and then mashes it into the carpet.

Ah, and he's leaving teeth marks on wooden furniture now. And eating his board books. And walking along furniture. And grabbing one of our green plastic chairs and pushing it along like a walker (until it hits the carpet and gets stuck). And last night I saw him kneeling without hanging onto anything for the first time.

Oh, and this'll gross you out. Christmas eve he got into the cupboard where we keep the plastic containers. And after he'd been in there for a while, we found something on the dining room floor. Looked like half a cockroach. We couldn't see where the other half had gone.

It was in his nappy the next day.

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