If you think "It won't happen to me" ...

It might. Because that's what I always thought too, and it DID happen to me.

I hit a deer on my way home from work tonight. I was coming around the curves in the road by the bypass (highways 35 & 65). It was coming from the swampy area on the left, crossing the road, but I didn't see it till it was right in front of me. I hit the brakes, but it was too late, and there was a pretty good THUMP on the front of my car. But apparently I wasn't going fast enough to do major damage, because there wasn't major damage. To the car, anyway. I don't know about the deer because I couldn't find it when I got out of the car to look. It might've run off, it might've been lying in the weeds, it might've been on the side of the road behind the car, because you never stop immediately when you WANT to stop in that kind of situation. I guess I'll have a look on my way to the eye doctor in the morning.

So...anybody for grilled venison? ;-)


That CD-RW drive I bought? It won't work with my laptop. So I gotta get a PCMCIA USB card that does 2.0. Which I bought on ebay last night. Which I HOPE will be arriving very soon.

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